1 00:00:01,531 --> 00:00:06,559 [david]: hello i'm glad to have you back on the broken and mended podcast or as 2 00:00:06,619 --> 00:00:10,466 [david]: we call it here the end the seams broken and mended as a ministry that 3 00:00:10,506 --> 00:00:16,275 [david]: host the podcast and i am your personal host david helen founder and president a 4 00:00:16,396 --> 00:00:20,763 [david]: broken and mended and i said glad to have you back of course some of 5 00:00:20,823 --> 00:00:23,828 [david]: you may be joining for the first time if you're just finding us we hope 6 00:00:23,868 --> 00:00:29,077 [david]: you'll stick around with really appreciate if you would follow the podcast review the podcast 7 00:00:29,517 --> 00:00:33,103 [david]: you know this is something that we were trying i'm trying to do it's usually 8 00:00:33,204 --> 00:00:37,772 [david]: me often have a guest probably at least half the time i like to do 9 00:00:37,832 --> 00:00:41,641 [david]: it that way like to let you hear from other people but today i'm just 10 00:00:41,661 --> 00:00:45,307 [david]: going to be flying solo we're trying to do this a couple of times a 11 00:00:45,367 --> 00:00:49,634 [david]: month when possible really practically it's worked out for me more about once a month 12 00:00:50,335 --> 00:00:55,845 [david]: that's because i'm a busy person i'm sure you are as well you know besides 13 00:00:55,985 --> 00:01:00,733 [david]: dealing with chronic illness and chronic pain which i do i i am married i 14 00:01:00,833 --> 00:01:05,821 [david]: have three kids i am in a i am a minister reacher of a church 15 00:01:06,863 --> 00:01:12,893 [david]: and at the same time trying to guide this broken amended ministry and so sometimes 16 00:01:12,933 --> 00:01:16,659 [david]: i don't get as much done as i would like to get done i'm sure 17 00:01:17,080 --> 00:01:21,840 [david]: many of you out there can relate to that but i'm also learning that okay 18 00:01:22,561 --> 00:01:27,165 [david]: you do what you can do and we're not supposed to be thinking that it 19 00:01:27,185 --> 00:01:32,560 [david]: all depends on us anyway of course people with chronic illness and chronic pain that 20 00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,865 [david]: is a lesson that they learn in many different ways and they have to they 21 00:01:35,925 --> 00:01:43,097 [david]: have no choice because of the way that their health changes their situation and actually 22 00:01:43,157 --> 00:01:49,145 [david]: going to be sharing on that theme today in a personal way because that's what 23 00:01:49,205 --> 00:01:52,370 [david]: i'm going to be going through here for the next several weeks i am to 24 00:01:52,470 --> 00:01:57,539 [david]: have my right hip replaced tomorrow when you hear this it will probably have already 25 00:01:57,619 --> 00:02:03,408 [david]: happened but this is wednesday october the twelfth when i'm recording this so on thursday 26 00:02:03,509 --> 00:02:07,756 [david]: at thirteenth i am supposed to have right hip replacement surgery so i will be 27 00:02:07,816 --> 00:02:11,823 [david]: driving down there pretty soon the norman from where i live up here in north 28 00:02:11,883 --> 00:02:16,110 [david]: west oklahoma so i'll be going down to norman oklahoma to do that and it's 29 00:02:16,270 --> 00:02:20,597 [david]: made me want to maybe share a couple of thoughts maybe it's helpful for people 30 00:02:20,657 --> 00:02:25,545 [david]: that might be facing sir jury you know themselves because of their chronic illness or 31 00:02:25,605 --> 00:02:30,233 [david]: have been through that in the past i just had the opportunity in a recent 32 00:02:30,313 --> 00:02:34,520 [david]: drive i had out of town to kind of reflect on some lect on some 33 00:02:34,540 --> 00:02:40,691 [david]: thoughts you know that you know just it's just a strange thing to think about 34 00:02:40,991 --> 00:02:44,797 [david]: going in having a joint replaced in the fact that we can do that here 35 00:02:44,838 --> 00:02:50,186 [david]: in america um you know that i kind of have this feeling i don't want 36 00:02:50,206 --> 00:02:54,013 [david]: to say of guilt but just knowing that other people in the world maybe don't 37 00:02:54,073 --> 00:02:56,978 [david]: have that kind of access to health care you kind of feel like well why 38 00:02:57,038 --> 00:03:00,904 [david]: should i you know have that kind of access and that doesn't just apply to 39 00:03:01,525 --> 00:03:05,993 [david]: expensive surgeries but to many other things including the medicines that some of us take 40 00:03:07,816 --> 00:03:12,323 [david]: the amount of money that the what cost for people to take my medicine if 41 00:03:12,383 --> 00:03:16,530 [david]: i had to pay out of pocket is absurd and again i know many of 42 00:03:16,570 --> 00:03:20,777 [david]: you are in the same situation maybe in other countries they could get that a 43 00:03:20,817 --> 00:03:25,025 [david]: little bit cheaper then we would get it here because our own health care system 44 00:03:25,165 --> 00:03:29,933 [david]: raises the cost of course but i don't know you know i don't know if 45 00:03:30,013 --> 00:03:33,999 [david]: it's even accessible to some some of those people and so i've just been thinking 46 00:03:34,100 --> 00:03:40,130 [david]: lot about this issue um this this isn't necessarily a podcast about you know pre 47 00:03:40,330 --> 00:03:45,098 [david]: surgery the eva surgery nerves or anything like that that's a relevant topic to you 48 00:03:45,138 --> 00:03:50,206 [david]: know i you know for just full for sake of full disclosure certainly i have 49 00:03:50,267 --> 00:03:55,155 [david]: nerves about what's about to happen and you know i also am okay about it 50 00:03:55,255 --> 00:03:59,843 [david]: you know it's i feel i feel like some nerves are probably probably good and 51 00:04:00,203 --> 00:04:04,550 [david]: and nothing wrong with that if i was terrified i you know probably try put 52 00:04:04,610 --> 00:04:08,497 [david]: off the surgery longer and so it's kind of somewhere kind of in between terrified 53 00:04:08,557 --> 00:04:12,624 [david]: maybe not having any it's about it but that's not the main thing i wanted 54 00:04:12,664 --> 00:04:18,614 [david]: to talk about today i wanted to talk just a little bit about some reflections 55 00:04:18,674 --> 00:04:23,081 [david]: of what it means for us to have this kind of health care um and 56 00:04:23,362 --> 00:04:27,188 [david]: maybe to talk through just some of the implications of the privilege that many of 57 00:04:27,248 --> 00:04:31,636 [david]: us have especially in the western world some some of other places in the world 58 00:04:31,676 --> 00:04:35,021 [david]: too i'm not saying western world it has all the answers health care and certainly 59 00:04:35,061 --> 00:04:40,390 [david]: has it struggles but i do want to think about what this means from a 60 00:04:40,470 --> 00:04:45,739 [david]: theological perspective what means for my relationship with god what should i be thinking spiritually 61 00:04:46,100 --> 00:04:50,026 [david]: theologically on the eve of my surgery that's kind of more where i wanted to 62 00:04:50,307 --> 00:04:54,854 [david]: focus the thoughts today you know my experience with surgery and i know a lot 63 00:04:54,874 --> 00:05:01,485 [david]: of people chronic illness have had experiences with surgery and i you know some haven't 64 00:05:02,166 --> 00:05:07,375 [david]: probably will one day it's certainly a more common occurrence with people with chronic illness 65 00:05:07,435 --> 00:05:11,342 [david]: than those who don't have chronic illness or crime pain and injury or something that 66 00:05:11,382 --> 00:05:15,909 [david]: has to be repaired in my case it kind of started out that way because 67 00:05:16,009 --> 00:05:19,255 [david]: i injured my hips when i was in a talk on do this is in 68 00:05:19,315 --> 00:05:23,401 [david]: two thousand eleven and at the time i know what was going on and i'm 69 00:05:23,421 --> 00:05:27,546 [david]: not going to retail that story i've told it elsewhere but i ended up with 70 00:05:27,586 --> 00:05:32,854 [david]: an orthopedic surgeon in albert kirke i was able to correctly diagnose what was going 71 00:05:33,014 --> 00:05:38,243 [david]: on really on two levels the first was at that time my primary interest was 72 00:05:38,283 --> 00:05:41,889 [david]: the injury to my hips that they didn't i couldn't do anything with i certainly 73 00:05:41,929 --> 00:05:45,578 [david]: have having to give up talk on do and they were getting worse and worse 74 00:05:45,718 --> 00:05:49,066 [david]: sharp pain and all that kind of stuff so both hips so it's about lateral 75 00:05:49,126 --> 00:05:53,514 [david]: hip injuries and i didn't know you know what was behind it but i was 76 00:05:53,554 --> 00:05:57,481 [david]: hoping that a surgeon could fix it because it wasn't ever getting better on it 77 00:05:57,521 --> 00:06:02,569 [david]: so in fact it was only getting worse so i you know he told me 78 00:06:02,670 --> 00:06:07,598 [david]: what was wrong i had torn labels i had you know what's called the hip 79 00:06:07,798 --> 00:06:12,326 [david]: inpinchment and cam in pincer an pinchment if you're familiar with that language if you've 80 00:06:12,366 --> 00:06:17,995 [david]: been through that before you know that's where you get bone growth bone spurs may 81 00:06:18,095 --> 00:06:21,501 [david]: be okay word to use there you know but you get it on your ball 82 00:06:21,641 --> 00:06:26,008 [david]: and the socket if you have camp and pincer hip inpinchment and then because of 83 00:06:26,048 --> 00:06:29,254 [david]: that when you put stress on the hip or you rotate the hip you know 84 00:06:29,354 --> 00:06:34,302 [david]: violently like you do and talk one dog and other things because you know you're 85 00:06:34,442 --> 00:06:39,110 [david]: when you're kicking in order to get power you're rotating your plant leg now you're 86 00:06:39,150 --> 00:06:42,736 [david]: rotating that out to get more power into your kick and that's how i tore 87 00:06:42,816 --> 00:06:46,883 [david]: mine and there was no flexibility there because of the extra bone growth i didn't 88 00:06:46,903 --> 00:06:50,910 [david]: realize that you know obviously i wouldn't have done it but in any kay it 89 00:06:50,950 --> 00:06:56,099 [david]: was a very painful condition but as we're doing getting ready to do that surgery 90 00:06:56,479 --> 00:07:01,948 [david]: he also tells me that okay looks like you might have ancolosing spondelitis too and 91 00:07:02,008 --> 00:07:06,155 [david]: that the that being the underlying condition that has stayed with me even after i 92 00:07:06,215 --> 00:07:09,501 [david]: had the surgeries and to be honest the first thing i had to learn about 93 00:07:09,661 --> 00:07:13,808 [david]: surgery is it doesn't always fix what you wanted to or it takes a lot 94 00:07:13,868 --> 00:07:19,818 [david]: longer since i was not yet being treated for an underlying disease and the inflammation 95 00:07:19,858 --> 00:07:23,424 [david]: that comes with that when they did surgery on my left hip even though it 96 00:07:23,444 --> 00:07:27,331 [david]: was authoscopic it was quite invasive it was too i had two and a half 97 00:07:27,371 --> 00:07:31,718 [david]: hours surgery and they cleaned it up and put it back together and i mean 98 00:07:31,778 --> 00:07:35,845 [david]: it was it was extensive with a lot of resurfacing on the bone and in 99 00:07:35,885 --> 00:07:41,274 [david]: the joints and when they did that i i had a very difficult time recovering 100 00:07:41,334 --> 00:07:46,422 [david]: from that insurance wouldn't pay for physical therapy which was ridiculous of course but but 101 00:07:46,503 --> 00:07:49,007 [david]: it was all out of pocket if i wanted to do it so i didn't 102 00:07:49,047 --> 00:07:52,432 [david]: do very much of it i did most of it home and because of the 103 00:07:52,513 --> 00:07:57,761 [david]: extra inflammation from my disease that was just really getting kicked off you know it 104 00:07:57,821 --> 00:08:02,489 [david]: was i took me say two and a half years before i felt like i 105 00:08:02,549 --> 00:08:08,123 [david]: had an improvement from the hip surgery and what i was feeling before i had 106 00:08:08,163 --> 00:08:12,770 [david]: the hip surgery that's not what i expected was the first thing and i guess 107 00:08:13,011 --> 00:08:17,819 [david]: you know along with that related to that is underlying disease is something that's hard 108 00:08:17,919 --> 00:08:24,049 [david]: to predict or if the situation could occur again or if you fix one joint 109 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:26,633 [david]: is going to affect another joint and so there are a lot of other issues 110 00:08:26,673 --> 00:08:31,361 [david]: that kind of come up surgery could what i had hoped for because i didn't 111 00:08:31,381 --> 00:08:36,510 [david]: know about underlying disease i didn't know about the inflammation and the enclosing spondalizs so 112 00:08:36,650 --> 00:08:39,755 [david]: what i had hoped for when i went to surgery is that i would get 113 00:08:39,795 --> 00:08:43,123 [david]: it fixed i would go through my rehab and i would return normal life and 114 00:08:43,143 --> 00:08:48,662 [david]: that never happened that was crushing you know and so i should have had my 115 00:08:48,742 --> 00:08:52,288 [david]: right hip operated on much sooner than i did but because i didn't get the 116 00:08:52,328 --> 00:08:56,515 [david]: results i wanted i put that off from two thousand twelve to two thousand six 117 00:08:56,655 --> 00:09:02,024 [david]: team when i finally had my right hip operated on and that probably has the 118 00:09:02,064 --> 00:09:06,772 [david]: reason why my right hip is technically worse than my left now and why it's 119 00:09:06,812 --> 00:09:09,957 [david]: going to be replaced before the left i say technically because actually most of the 120 00:09:09,997 --> 00:09:14,926 [david]: time the left hurts me worse kind of strange but from a radio graphic standpoint 121 00:09:14,986 --> 00:09:20,996 [david]: and x ray the right hip is worse just but anyway you know it didn't 122 00:09:21,537 --> 00:09:26,345 [david]: it didn't fix everything now that i you know had hoped and so i think 123 00:09:26,545 --> 00:09:32,335 [david]: people with chronic illness and chronic pain have to have more realistic expectations and and 124 00:09:32,395 --> 00:09:39,326 [david]: so i've been more reluctant to ex or surgery than i was before all this 125 00:09:39,366 --> 00:09:45,176 [david]: happened before i don't those first surgery ever had were on my hips but before 126 00:09:45,376 --> 00:09:49,343 [david]: at least before the first one if i started would fix something why not you 127 00:09:49,383 --> 00:09:52,648 [david]: know you go through a little rehab sure but now i was a little bit 128 00:09:52,689 --> 00:09:56,214 [david]: more hesitant quite a bit more hesitant after that in between that i had to 129 00:09:56,274 --> 00:10:01,423 [david]: have her no surgery which obviously was not really to the other issues but those 130 00:10:01,463 --> 00:10:06,371 [david]: are the three searcheries i had going into what's going to be happening tomorrow and 131 00:10:06,411 --> 00:10:12,962 [david]: tomorrow i'm getting my right hip replaced because the arthoratis has continued they're the bone 132 00:10:13,543 --> 00:10:17,169 [david]: the joint space which was low even back in twenty twelve so ten years ago 133 00:10:17,730 --> 00:10:20,855 [david]: when they were first looking at my hips you know even though they fixed my 134 00:10:20,956 --> 00:10:27,331 [david]: hips from a standpoint of extra bone growth repaired to the labor repair there's no 135 00:10:27,872 --> 00:10:32,179 [david]: way they could create extra joint space as i'm losing it and so i had 136 00:10:32,219 --> 00:10:36,446 [david]: an arthritic hip and i knew that i was eventually going to have to have 137 00:10:36,506 --> 00:10:41,675 [david]: hip replacement surgery is not surprise i had hoped to make it another ten years 138 00:10:42,997 --> 00:10:49,748 [david]: but the pain was too consistent into limiting the intensity of the pain is stronger 139 00:10:49,828 --> 00:10:55,137 [david]: sometimes than others but it just became time to take action again and i think 140 00:10:55,217 --> 00:11:00,045 [david]: it will in this case i think the risk of losing mobility in being inactive 141 00:11:00,265 --> 00:11:05,053 [david]: actually makes my health outcomes wore and more serious than if i get it fixed 142 00:11:05,134 --> 00:11:10,362 [david]: where i can still be somewhat active and so that's that's the idea and probably 143 00:11:10,503 --> 00:11:13,768 [david]: left us to follow i mean that's the plan right now we don't know exactly 144 00:11:13,828 --> 00:11:18,456 [david]: when we'll do that one um but that's that is you know that's that's what's 145 00:11:18,516 --> 00:11:24,486 [david]: upcoming that's that's what i'm facing and i know because the enclosing spondalitis that first 146 00:11:24,526 --> 00:11:27,591 [david]: of all the physical therapy is very important for me to rebu strengthen that hip 147 00:11:28,052 --> 00:11:31,618 [david]: and then also that i got to keep it on the underlying inflammation but at 148 00:11:31,678 --> 00:11:36,466 [david]: least i'm being treated for that as that was not the very first ship surgery 149 00:11:36,766 --> 00:11:44,735 [david]: i ever had as i said as i was thinking about this and the i 150 00:11:44,796 --> 00:11:48,083 [david]: was praying about it to be honest and as i was praying about it i 151 00:11:48,163 --> 00:11:54,021 [david]: was thinking about the fact that i was evaluating my decision i guess is the 152 00:11:54,061 --> 00:11:56,844 [david]: way that one might say because maybe i could put it off longer and i 153 00:11:57,204 --> 00:12:00,587 [david]: started thinking about the places in the world where this wasn't even an option and 154 00:12:00,627 --> 00:12:05,715 [david]: i started thinking about what that would mean for me i have a disease that 155 00:12:05,895 --> 00:12:13,589 [david]: fuses joints the disease is trying to fuse my hip joint that's the problem if 156 00:12:13,929 --> 00:12:17,796 [david]: i could not get this surgery and i could not treat the disease both very 157 00:12:17,896 --> 00:12:23,725 [david]: expensive remedies then my hip joints would have eventually fused and actually even with me 158 00:12:23,845 --> 00:12:29,594 [david]: treating the disease they would eventually fuse and i would be crippled i don't see 159 00:12:29,634 --> 00:12:32,579 [david]: how you can walk with a fuse tip joint maybe you could shuffle i don't 160 00:12:32,639 --> 00:12:36,846 [david]: even know but the way i pictured is probably a well chair and so you 161 00:12:36,886 --> 00:12:39,631 [david]: know it's it's a big deal that i can do this whether i was to 162 00:12:39,671 --> 00:12:42,255 [david]: do it this year or at some point in the future if i could never 163 00:12:42,376 --> 00:12:47,264 [david]: do it that's that's what my fate would be and so i i understand that 164 00:12:47,304 --> 00:12:49,828 [david]: that is a big deal but it got me to thinking about the fact that 165 00:12:51,051 --> 00:12:56,622 [david]: you know that this is quite a privilege something to be thankful for and that 166 00:12:56,662 --> 00:13:00,583 [david]: kind of helped me to embrace the fact that i had made this decision because 167 00:13:00,663 --> 00:13:04,528 [david]: i think that people in the world who would need this kind of surgery and 168 00:13:04,648 --> 00:13:12,830 [david]: can't get it that they would think it foolish or even just very ungrateful not 169 00:13:12,890 --> 00:13:15,615 [david]: to pursue it when it is available for me because they would want it if 170 00:13:15,675 --> 00:13:20,282 [david]: they could get it it still made me feel a little bit i can't i 171 00:13:20,342 --> 00:13:24,990 [david]: wish i could think of a better word than guilty i'm not really i don't 172 00:13:25,130 --> 00:13:29,898 [david]: really feel guilt about it or bad about it i just have this feeling though 173 00:13:30,860 --> 00:13:36,349 [david]: it is quite a privilege to be able to receive this level of medical treatment 174 00:13:36,409 --> 00:13:41,237 [david]: and intervention first of all it's a privilege as it relates to history this is 175 00:13:41,317 --> 00:13:46,145 [david]: not something that was avail but for all time it's this has all been relatively 176 00:13:46,266 --> 00:13:51,094 [david]: recent both in terms of the therapeutic drugs and you know the surgical interventions they 177 00:13:51,154 --> 00:13:56,204 [david]: can do to help someone with my disease so living at a different time i 178 00:13:56,285 --> 00:14:04,164 [david]: would have been certainly would have again faced a prognosis of being crippled but also 179 00:14:04,304 --> 00:14:08,511 [david]: as it relates to where i live in the world yes health insurance situation here 180 00:14:08,551 --> 00:14:13,399 [david]: is a miss in our country i know there have been political attempts to remedy 181 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:19,289 [david]: which maybe has helped some it has in my case i know and i'm not 182 00:14:19,329 --> 00:14:22,735 [david]: trying to be political some of you may not have been for the health care 183 00:14:22,855 --> 00:14:27,903 [david]: fordable health care act you got your since i got my reasons but the bottom 184 00:14:27,963 --> 00:14:32,110 [david]: line is it s allowed me to have a fordable health care at a time 185 00:14:32,210 --> 00:14:38,100 [david]: when i really need that and that has allowed me to have access to a 186 00:14:38,180 --> 00:14:43,647 [david]: pretty extensive medical intervention that would otherwise be you know too expensive you know to 187 00:14:43,707 --> 00:14:48,472 [david]: get it done and so i've i'm approaching this from a standpoint of i want 188 00:14:48,493 --> 00:14:52,624 [david]: to be thankful i don't want to take it for granted maybe that's the best 189 00:14:52,684 --> 00:14:56,210 [david]: way to say it that i want to have a perspective that helps me to 190 00:14:56,270 --> 00:14:59,816 [david]: recognize that this is a this is a blessing that a lot of people in 191 00:14:59,856 --> 00:15:04,043 [david]: the world just don't have and some people might even hesitate to call it a 192 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:08,470 [david]: blessing and they say well it's not like god's blessing you because you know more 193 00:15:08,530 --> 00:15:12,677 [david]: than somewhere else well that's that's somewhat true i recognize the circumstances we are born 194 00:15:12,777 --> 00:15:17,004 [david]: into not that it isn't sovereign over that but there's what we might call fortune 195 00:15:17,084 --> 00:15:23,415 [david]: in it there's some circumstantial things born in this country born in some other country 196 00:15:23,475 --> 00:15:27,601 [david]: where this this would be possible as well i wanted to mention a book i 197 00:15:27,682 --> 00:15:33,812 [david]: read a few years back called compassionate jesus re thinking the christian approach to modern 198 00:15:33,932 --> 00:15:40,423 [david]: medicine and this is written by christopher be gosh if i wrote his name downright 199 00:15:40,503 --> 00:15:44,790 [david]: it's b o g s h if you want to check it out for me 200 00:15:44,890 --> 00:15:49,899 [david]: the theology in the book was a little bit different than than my own not 201 00:15:49,959 --> 00:15:54,106 [david]: major i mean in terms of what you would consider orthodox christianity it was the 202 00:15:54,166 --> 00:15:58,934 [david]: same but but some things that were different and so not everything resonated with me 203 00:15:58,974 --> 00:16:03,321 [david]: in that book whether it with you or not i don't know but overall premise 204 00:16:03,481 --> 00:16:09,672 [david]: of it did resonate with me and he was asking for us christians that live 205 00:16:09,812 --> 00:16:13,438 [david]: in a situation where we do have access to all this medical care to try 206 00:16:13,678 --> 00:16:20,369 [david]: and form a much more christian based theology when it comes to medical care because 207 00:16:20,670 --> 00:16:27,141 [david]: his he was in the medical field and his observation had been that most christians 208 00:16:27,201 --> 00:16:32,612 [david]: don't make their decisions any differently than anybody else that goes in for medical care 209 00:16:33,634 --> 00:16:38,132 [david]: i mean we're not talking about you know hey i got stripped through because i'm 210 00:16:38,172 --> 00:16:41,197 [david]: a christian i'm not going to take an antabolotic well that's that's dumb don't do 211 00:16:41,257 --> 00:16:46,466 [david]: that and there's a lot of bad theology where i go i'm not going to 212 00:16:46,486 --> 00:16:49,411 [david]: get into the different churches who do this who tell people now to use medicine 213 00:16:49,471 --> 00:16:52,576 [david]: at all and that was not the extreme he was advocating for as i said 214 00:16:52,656 --> 00:16:57,144 [david]: he was in the medical industry i think mainly what he was getting at in 215 00:16:57,164 --> 00:17:00,309 [david]: that book and it's been several years since i read it but i remember it 216 00:17:00,349 --> 00:17:06,716 [david]: enough to say that what he was getting at was that we should not look 217 00:17:07,017 --> 00:17:14,431 [david]: at the main goal our lives as simply extending our physical lives because we can't 218 00:17:14,471 --> 00:17:21,620 [david]: do that indefinitely and as christians were not supposed to be afraid of death he 219 00:17:21,800 --> 00:17:27,349 [david]: obviously would say that we should get life saving care and certainly the idea of 220 00:17:27,470 --> 00:17:31,837 [david]: what i'm looking at like where he hit replacement surgery care that would improve quality 221 00:17:31,877 --> 00:17:36,208 [david]: of life is good and and that's not something we should avoid and it's not 222 00:17:36,268 --> 00:17:40,570 [david]: a lack of faith or anything like that to take advantage of those things so 223 00:17:40,630 --> 00:17:45,038 [david]: yeah you know that's that's that's a positive and i just want to say that 224 00:17:45,618 --> 00:17:50,607 [david]: that was not what's being cratigued he was looking more toward kind of what happens 225 00:17:51,188 --> 00:17:57,017 [david]: when we have the choice so trying to extend life versus choosing palative care or 226 00:17:57,078 --> 00:18:02,527 [david]: sometimes you know what we call hospice care sorry i was having a hard time 227 00:18:02,567 --> 00:18:06,573 [david]: coming with the word so palative and hospice care that sort of thing and in 228 00:18:06,634 --> 00:18:10,800 [david]: pupelative care is i think a more general term than hospital where we're just talking 229 00:18:10,901 --> 00:18:16,230 [david]: about treating making people's quality of life better not necessarily trying to extend their life 230 00:18:16,911 --> 00:18:20,477 [david]: these are very personal decisions all that he was saying is that we ought to 231 00:18:20,557 --> 00:18:27,649 [david]: go into those sort of decisions with a christian mindset with a theological mindset and 232 00:18:27,689 --> 00:18:32,336 [david]: we ought to show trusting god and recognizing that we're not going to act like 233 00:18:32,697 --> 00:18:37,525 [david]: we're afraid to die when the time comes that's a little bit beyond where i'm 234 00:18:37,625 --> 00:18:43,974 [david]: at and thinking about this surgery today but it may not be beyond where some 235 00:18:44,054 --> 00:18:48,421 [david]: of you some of my listeners are at as they're having to make those kinds 236 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:51,546 [david]: of decisions and and i know people have had to make those kinds of decisions 237 00:18:51,707 --> 00:18:56,296 [david]: i know some christians who made the decision for positive care and they were very 238 00:18:56,416 --> 00:19:01,427 [david]: grateful they did that they were grateful to focus on quality of life i think 239 00:19:01,667 --> 00:19:08,128 [david]: when you're situation where you can extend your life and still be there for others 240 00:19:08,188 --> 00:19:11,012 [david]: of course that's a good thing to do by the way part of the reason 241 00:19:11,093 --> 00:19:13,997 [david]: i have this on my mind too is another is something else that had been 242 00:19:14,037 --> 00:19:19,086 [david]: in the news this was out of and and they have a it's called made 243 00:19:19,967 --> 00:19:24,976 [david]: um m a and then lower case i capital d it's a law there that 244 00:19:25,396 --> 00:19:29,043 [david]: i started out just allowing for out and you kind of end of life situations 245 00:19:29,503 --> 00:19:34,972 [david]: that is now being applied to people that have psychological disorders i mean in lots 246 00:19:35,012 --> 00:19:39,760 [david]: of different situations where people can choose to end their life legally the help of 247 00:19:39,820 --> 00:19:45,009 [david]: a doctor and now they're trying to make it where minors who want to do 248 00:19:45,089 --> 00:19:49,196 [david]: that they call them mature minors whatever that means and that they would be able 249 00:19:49,256 --> 00:19:53,223 [david]: to do this and a parent couldn't stop them it's it's it's from a christian 250 00:19:53,243 --> 00:19:59,093 [david]: perspective it's gone from at least something we might understand or sympathize with to something 251 00:19:59,433 --> 00:20:05,363 [david]: that is outlandish and has no rest pect for the life that god has given 252 00:20:05,463 --> 00:20:09,810 [david]: us and and i know that with people with chronic illness and chronic pain we 253 00:20:09,851 --> 00:20:14,578 [david]: don't want to live in these bodies the way they are for ever there may 254 00:20:14,679 --> 00:20:18,445 [david]: be some sin in which death can be a relief death is never the ally 255 00:20:18,545 --> 00:20:22,231 [david]: but it can be a relief from our suffering and we you know we believe 256 00:20:22,251 --> 00:20:25,136 [david]: in the resurrection that god will give us new bodies in that god is and 257 00:20:25,156 --> 00:20:31,547 [david]: we're going to live imperfectly sound and healthy immortal bodies and so you know because 258 00:20:31,627 --> 00:20:36,034 [david]: of that again we don't hold on to life in a way that says that 259 00:20:36,074 --> 00:20:39,199 [david]: we don't believe that but nor do we want to go to this other extreme 260 00:20:39,541 --> 00:20:42,417 [david]: this says that our life is just ours to end any time we want to 261 00:20:43,660 --> 00:20:47,406 [david]: so that that's another reason this these issues are in my mind and i think 262 00:20:47,446 --> 00:20:51,373 [david]: that we need to think through these things theologically look god is the creator of 263 00:20:51,473 --> 00:20:56,384 [david]: life life belongs to him including the life he has given me and sure i 264 00:20:56,485 --> 00:21:02,484 [david]: think endless suffering is you know it's not endless we need to remember that that 265 00:21:02,544 --> 00:21:06,230 [david]: it is n't endless because we're going to get to be free of it one 266 00:21:06,271 --> 00:21:09,877 [david]: day but to just take our life in our own hands and to end it 267 00:21:10,578 --> 00:21:13,923 [david]: with our own decision you know and i'm not just talking about suicide which is 268 00:21:13,963 --> 00:21:19,092 [david]: somewhat of a different issue okay there's the same issue but a different aspect of 269 00:21:19,172 --> 00:21:23,640 [david]: it and us talking about someone who just says they're tired of it all again 270 00:21:23,800 --> 00:21:27,105 [david]: they can't get the pain medicine they wanted so to go kill themselves again i 271 00:21:27,185 --> 00:21:32,855 [david]: certainly have empathy for a person in a situation like that but we would fight 272 00:21:32,895 --> 00:21:36,060 [david]: to prevent that if we could for the person people that we love and hopefully 273 00:21:36,100 --> 00:21:41,469 [david]: for ourselves we would want people to to help us prevent it if we were 274 00:21:41,509 --> 00:21:46,998 [david]: in that situation and i just i see that law in canada and think and 275 00:21:47,038 --> 00:21:50,965 [david]: that's coming to some places here in america too and and just saying that's the 276 00:21:51,005 --> 00:21:56,097 [david]: way we're going we're going to where we are using the tools of the medical 277 00:21:56,177 --> 00:22:01,703 [david]: industry which were meant to bless our quality of life yea and in some cases 278 00:22:01,783 --> 00:22:06,390 [david]: extended and instead using it to end life and in that to me is a 279 00:22:06,410 --> 00:22:11,038 [david]: great tragedy um again i know that may not be where a lot of my 280 00:22:11,098 --> 00:22:17,697 [david]: listeners are there are things that we need to think through so that's that's you 281 00:22:17,737 --> 00:22:20,845 [david]: can call a soap box but i would hope that's the one that we we 282 00:22:20,965 --> 00:22:27,697 [david]: share at the end of the day m sorry for the cache there but it's 283 00:22:27,737 --> 00:22:32,925 [david]: an effective one sometimes you know i want to improve for myself what i can 284 00:22:33,667 --> 00:22:38,314 [david]: my quality of life because it makes me a little bit more of a easier 285 00:22:38,354 --> 00:22:42,061 [david]: person will be around in my family a little bit more active hopefully can improve 286 00:22:42,101 --> 00:22:44,865 [david]: my quality of life as well as the length of my life if i can 287 00:22:45,506 --> 00:22:50,386 [david]: improve the quality of life where i can be active and i recognize other people 288 00:22:51,280 --> 00:22:58,920 [david]: can't have this this life improving procedure this surgery that i get to have they 289 00:22:58,960 --> 00:23:03,107 [david]: would want to have it if they could and so for me to to think 290 00:23:03,207 --> 00:23:07,454 [david]: badly of that or to feel guilty about that really kind of misses the point 291 00:23:07,895 --> 00:23:12,084 [david]: i'm thankful that i can do this i'm a little bit nervous about it but 292 00:23:12,144 --> 00:23:15,995 [david]: i am but i am thankful and i think when we can improve our quality 293 00:23:16,035 --> 00:23:23,198 [david]: of life wish that we should now granted you know sometimes there's the financial aspect 294 00:23:23,238 --> 00:23:26,524 [david]: that comes into play in this case my out of pocket maximum was already met 295 00:23:27,145 --> 00:23:31,352 [david]: makes it an easy decision from that standpoint but i know these things can weigh 296 00:23:31,713 --> 00:23:37,431 [david]: in different ways than just what i'm talking about today i like for us to 297 00:23:38,093 --> 00:23:50,011 [david]: commit to praying for and supporting efforts that are made to bring these miracles really 298 00:23:50,131 --> 00:23:55,417 [david]: to other people who otherwise would not have access to them what we consider routine 299 00:23:55,957 --> 00:24:02,523 [david]: they would consider miracles yeah i know there's been a lot of different efforts medical 300 00:24:02,603 --> 00:24:08,621 [david]: missions over the years and i kind of grew up in a tradition where we 301 00:24:08,741 --> 00:24:13,382 [david]: only saw that as a meinston end well how many souls did you save how 302 00:24:13,422 --> 00:24:17,829 [david]: many people became christians and if we couldn't give a real definitive answer about that 303 00:24:17,910 --> 00:24:21,075 [david]: then it was like well that was kind of a waste of time you and 304 00:24:21,135 --> 00:24:26,311 [david]: i just think was just missing the boat so much that when we have an 305 00:24:26,411 --> 00:24:30,337 [david]: opportunity to do good to others as scripture says do good to others as you 306 00:24:30,397 --> 00:24:35,552 [david]: have opportunity to do good we ought to do it and if we have a 307 00:24:35,652 --> 00:24:42,243 [david]: privilege like health care and have the ability to either prayerfully or through financial means 308 00:24:42,764 --> 00:24:45,188 [david]: or if we're able to go i know a lot of us aren't able to 309 00:24:45,248 --> 00:24:49,555 [david]: travel like that because of our chronic illness but but if we're able to even 310 00:24:49,676 --> 00:24:54,784 [david]: lend professional medical skills that we might have or to assist in assist professionals in 311 00:24:54,844 --> 00:24:58,336 [david]: helping other people to go to other places in the world i think it is 312 00:24:59,290 --> 00:25:03,697 [david]: an awesome blessing and i know people god will be glorified and people will be 313 00:25:03,837 --> 00:25:08,505 [david]: brought to christ whether we know about it or not and these things are something 314 00:25:08,545 --> 00:25:13,761 [david]: that we need to support an ever way that we can because there are a 315 00:25:13,801 --> 00:25:17,986 [david]: lot of people out there suffering to a greater degree than some of us are 316 00:25:18,126 --> 00:25:23,172 [david]: and some of us are suffering pretty badly and yet we still have some relief 317 00:25:23,412 --> 00:25:30,805 [david]: from medicines interventions therapeutic medicines and so forth and we need to recognize that and 318 00:25:30,865 --> 00:25:35,751 [david]: to recognize those people out there that are beyond miserable that don't have access to 319 00:25:35,832 --> 00:25:40,539 [david]: these things that we can help with maybe you have heard about the mercy ships 320 00:25:41,261 --> 00:25:46,069 [david]: mercy ships apparently as best to understand it i've read about it haven't i think 321 00:25:46,109 --> 00:25:50,897 [david]: there's us series that you can watch about it but these these ships gigantic ships 322 00:25:50,957 --> 00:25:56,226 [david]: that go to different countries different ports around the world with doctors and nurses and 323 00:25:56,306 --> 00:26:03,618 [david]: other volunteers and medical equipment supplies and and just do things that are just unbelievable 324 00:26:03,798 --> 00:26:09,347 [david]: i think one story i heard was someone who was given sight you know through 325 00:26:09,367 --> 00:26:18,042 [david]: an authomologist a surgeon and because that person was able to give them something give 326 00:26:18,082 --> 00:26:24,873 [david]: them opportunity for something that again to us would be routine and yet they for 327 00:26:24,913 --> 00:26:28,999 [david]: them it was anything but routine and they were able to see because of that 328 00:26:29,120 --> 00:26:34,288 [david]: effort obviously you can't fix everything well we can't fix everything here in america or 329 00:26:34,408 --> 00:26:39,878 [david]: other places western world or other modern places that's it's quite clear that people are 330 00:26:39,898 --> 00:26:44,346 [david]: still going to suffer people ultimate still going to die so this is we understand 331 00:26:44,387 --> 00:26:49,163 [david]: this um m but there is a lot that can be done and there are 332 00:26:49,263 --> 00:26:55,454 [david]: tons of preventable diseases and tons of different interventions that could help people who are 333 00:26:55,514 --> 00:27:00,262 [david]: suffering greatly in the world so i'll end by just saying listen thankful for what 334 00:27:00,302 --> 00:27:05,450 [david]: we have access to but let's not have the mentality of hoarding it to ourselves 335 00:27:05,991 --> 00:27:10,018 [david]: if we can do anything to speed that along to people who have that need 336 00:27:11,550 --> 00:27:16,758 [david]: i think that that's the christian perspective that we want to have well when you're 337 00:27:16,778 --> 00:27:21,606 [david]: hearing this as i said my surgery is likely over i appreciate your prayers for 338 00:27:22,428 --> 00:27:26,455 [david]: my recovery perhaps on the next podcast we'll be able to up date on that 339 00:27:26,515 --> 00:27:31,042 [david]: how that's going and likely we'll have the left left hip done in a few 340 00:27:31,763 --> 00:27:36,151 [david]: anywhere from weeks to months we'll see how that works out but thanks for listening 341 00:27:36,712 --> 00:27:41,920 [david]: to in the seams always glad to just share with you and and you hope 342 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:46,167 [david]: that some of the thoughts and reflections that i had today can be of help 343 00:27:46,748 --> 00:27:49,834 [david]: will be a blessing to as you think through some of these things for yourself 344 00:27:50,695 --> 00:27:54,441 [david]: and we'll add please check us out at broken and mended dot or there you 345 00:27:54,501 --> 00:27:59,269 [david]: can hear the podcast there you can see our blog post and you can also 346 00:28:00,051 --> 00:28:03,877 [david]: connect with our either our support groups or our social media presence all that stuff 347 00:28:04,057 --> 00:28:10,187 [david]: is link able through the website a broken amended dot ord and if you reach 348 00:28:10,207 --> 00:28:14,154 [david]: out through the contact form need special prayers or you need anything or you got 349 00:28:14,214 --> 00:28:17,880 [david]: an idea maybe something we could offer or talk about be glad to take that 350 00:28:17,940 --> 00:28:23,389 [david]: under consideration so i'll sign off for now and hope that you have a bless 351 00:28:24,071 --> 00:28:29,863 [david]: uh day or night whenever it is you happen to be listening to this and 352 00:28:30,064 --> 00:28:32,068 [david]: i will talk to you next time