EDWARD: It's about time. This waiting for release business is for chumps. It's been driving me insane. HARVEY: Was that a joke? EDWARD: Huh. Turns out it does take one to know one. OSWALD: I commend your devotion to learning how to be patient, Edward. EDWARD: Like Harvey's student loans, I'm sure it will pay off some day. (chuckles) HARVEY: (snarls) Wiseass. OSWALD: Since your continued good behaviour was integral to your appointment, I appreciate that you haven't made me regret my decision, Edward. I'd hate to see my newly elected position so unduly marred. EDWARD: I'll leave that job to Harvey. Wait, wait - if you're about to hit me, permit me to take off my glasses. HARVEY: You don't shut up, we'll break more than your fucking glasses. EDWARD: Oh, it's not from fear of breakage. It's only so I don't have to look at you. HARVEY snarls again; OSWALD laughs. OSWALD: Simmer down, Harvey. I see you're in fine fettle today, Edward. Bravo. We have a few minutes before the guards allow us to leave - if there's anything else you need to do, do it now. EDWARD: I suppose I should go see Jon. Give my notice, as t'were. HARVEY: Yeah, better not forget your boyfriend. EDWARD: No need for jealousy, Harvey - there's enough of me for both of you. Or rather, all four of you. HARVEY: What - that's not - EDWARD laughs and walks away. HARVEY: (angry) One of these days, Oswald - one of these days. OSWALD: (dryly) Let me guess. Right to the moon? HARVEY: (confused) No, I'll just hit him. OSWALD: Not under my employ; you're also going to have to learn patience. You give him too much to work with. HARVEY: (sighs) Yeah. It's tough; half of us wants to break every bone in his face. OSWALD: And the other half? HARVEY: Wants to flatten him with a truck. OSWALD: (laughs) This is indeed going to be most entertaining.