The Empire Initiative - Ep 1 Your First Course of Ham Transcription Announcer Guy: Last time on The Empire Initiative, Lord Saxton, the usurper of Bedegar, was preparing an army to attack the Ham Crew’s stronghold at Castle Rend. In a daring move the crew decided to take the fight to him, plotting a bold stealth mission to capture him and rescue Zola Honeycut, the Leader of the mysterious Clock organization. They captured Lord Saxton in the Star Chamber, interrupting his strange dark ritual, before teleporting away. Unfortunately, leaving Zola Honeycut behind. Now, the Ham Crusaders have returned to Castle Rend to secure their prisoner and figure out their next move. This is Episode 1, Your First Course of Ham. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Reign and Zevari are going with Razelax and Tase to the dungeon, carrying a person who’s wrapped up with a bag over their head? Reign (Rachel): Double bag the head. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Double bag the head. And Dart, what are you doing? Dart (Ryan): Uh, well, if Edmond isn't aware of who we have, he does not know. Then there's not a whole lot of reason for me to give him a speech. I sort of prepared the speech with the idea in mind that he had, uh, gotten wind of it. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Well, he knows what you went to go do, and you come back and you have, like, a captive, but he doesn't know who it is or what happened. And the first thing he did was run up and go, “Who is this? Who is it?!”, you got to kind of like say, you know, I said Reign (Rachel): Well, I asked if he read his book yet. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah, that's right. Reign (Rachel): He hadn't read his book. So I said, go talk to Dart, read your book, then go talk to Dart . MD (Shanna): (Shanna): That's a lot of book to read. But yeah… Reign (Rachel): He should have been reading it while we were gone. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We were gone for a night… Rachel: Reign over here talking about procrastinating homework? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Oh, yeah. Reign of all people. Reign (Rachel): In her mind, she’s like, “oh, I should probably talk to Demelza about doing my homework.” MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, but yeah. So, Edmund, will, um, are you going down with them to the dungeon? Are you? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Uh, maybe I'll give Edmund the speech after we've had a few minutes to decide what we're going to do with Lord Saxton. Reign (Rachel): And about The Clock lady that we did not retrieve. Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): And, you know, I'm still creeped out about all those. Like what ritual what were they doing? And, yeah, they'll, like, the face creepers and, like, we already went through happy, lucky brain feet. Like what? What else are we going to come across? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I hope Not much else… Dart (Ryan): I thought these guys were like human supremacism, yet they're like conjuring and employing non-human entities for their nefarious plans. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You don't have to hire people to like them. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You don't have to like people to hire. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): Yeah, I mean, we stopped their one ritual, but... And we have him and we fucked it up and we fucked it up for them pretty good. So like... Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. The Baron is here… Reign (Rachel): Well, yeah, we have him. Yeah, I just. What are we going to do? I mean, I kind of have an idea, but I don't know, like, we need to get her but what are we going to do with him? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What do you mean? What are we going to do with him? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You guys are now at the bottom of the stairs and down the hall. Um, Razalax opening the prison doors. Reign (Rachel): We go in and we're putting, like, the, like, I want, like, all the cuffs. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): The manacles. Reign (Rachel): And I want, like, mouth gagged, like, not like badly. But just so he can't like, no verbal components can be done. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Take his bags Reign (Rachel): Like full on, like, he can't work out one arm. He is not going to get out of this prison. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, I touch myself. Samaria: Watch Dungeons and Daddies, everyone. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What do you mean? What are we going to do with him? He has to die. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): *metal clasp sound effects* Putting on the manacles. Reign (Rachel): What does Razalax say after hearing that? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): After hearing that?... Reign (Rachel): That Zevari just said, like, what are we going to do with them? He has to die. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): I mean, Razalax…Are you looking at him for his opinion specifically? Reign (Rachel): Yeah, like she says that and I look up at him to see, like how he feels about us talking about killing this guy. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, Razalax does not, like, react, if that makes sense. Like he is listening and working, but he does not react. His face does not flash. He's got this like, you know, lizard face. It's kind of hard already to discern emotions and he just doesn't even react. Reign (Rachel): Thank you for your assistance, but could you please step out of the cell? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): He looks at Dart and like for like approval of this kind of hand, sir. Well, and he will step back out of the cell and like stand beside Dart. Reign (Rachel): We need just your silence and your cooperation on this and your insight. And she just pulls off the first bag and just laughs, because Reign has put on a face and then pulls up. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): What does the face look like? Reign (Rachel): It is like angry eyebrows and like a mean face? Like an angry Fire Lord face. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Okay, like when people fall asleep to a Jigglypuff song? Reign (Rachel): Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Reign is too dignified to do a dick. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Not at this moment. Not maybe later. Dart (Ryan): I was thinking Doodlebob. Reign (Rachel): Um. But no. So she pulls off the other one, and it's Lord Saxton. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Oh, do you say Lord Saxon when you pull it off? Reign (Rachel): Does he know? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Do you pull it? Reign (Rachel): I just pull it off. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You pull it off. Razalax (Shanna): Who is that? Group: *Laughter* Reign (Rachel): I was hoping this was going to be a better reveal. I guess I over-thought it. Um, this is Lord Saxton. Razalax (Shanna): Gods! Lord Saxton! I figured you guys would have just killed him. Dart (Ryan): Well, he makes a good bargaining chip. Razalax (Shanna): Perhaps, perhaps. So what, are you going to make him stand trial? Reign (Rachel): Um, I mean, that would be fair and just. But I would just rather take his city. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Zevari’s just looking at you, like… Reign (Rachel): I mean, you hate this usurper. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): But like take back for Edmund. Of course. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I mean, of course we have to take it back for Edmund, but very quickly, because now there is a power vacuum and that gets very dangerous. Reign (Rachel): That's why we need to fill that vacuum. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): His eyes start to flutter open and he, like, kind of hiccups and he's like, ah. And he's like, his arms are like hanging the chains kind of shaking. Yeah. His eyes open just a little bit. And it's like you can tell they're out of focus. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Mhm. Dart (Ryan): Pistol Whip. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Zevari was about to kick his ass. Reign (Rachel): Sticky Tongue Pistol Whip. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): The gun on the end of the sticky tongue. Oh my god. I would allow it, for sure. You could, like, shoot around corners. Dart (Ryan): Um. We only completed one of the two objectives. Now, it's likely that since we eliminated basically like all of his second command, his immediate close… Reign (Rachel): The Three Roses. Dart (Ryan): Yeah, the knights of the Three Roses, we eliminated them. So it'll be some time, I think, before that power vacuum gets filled. Like the Emperor will have to respond. Reign (Rachel): Well, the power vacuum filling is Edmond. Well, right, because I think the thinking back is land. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yes. And the sooner that we get him back up there, the better lessens chances for others to try to rally forces and support against Edmund, even though he does have the birthright, won't stop somebody else from trying to usurp him. Dart (Ryan): I just think that for like, immediate purposes, where we just left from will be both chaotic but also heightened insecurity. And we need to still get someone out of a prison, which is already difficult. And now they know that should has gone down. So they're going to be… Reign (Rachel): they're going to be on high alert. Dart (Ryan): They're going to be on high alert. Reign (Rachel): But the defenses are going to be weakened as well because of it in a way. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): But who knows how many that, don't know, your friend killed. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. That one dude. Gooba Gooba. But who knows how much damage he did. Um, and they probably could have thought that he did something or the ritual could have gone wrong. There's so many things that they could have thought. And we. Since we're not there, we don't know. Sorry I'm cutting you off. Dart (Ryan): I was just thinking that we had talked about the possibility of a prisoner exchange. But while that puts us in good with the clock, it puts us right back to where we started with in terms of Lord Saxton. Reign (Rachel): But what if. Sorry. Dart (Ryan): And I know we'd also talked about a fake prisoner exchange or just a stealth prison break using the same strategy, similar strategy to what we did to get into the Star Chamber to get into the prison. But I think that as long as we hold Lord Saxton, we have a good bargaining chip and a like a good shield. Reign (Rachel): The longer, sorry, the longer we hold Lord Saxton, the more time it'll give the emperor to give us his full force. We are not. We are fine with Saxton's numbers, but we're not fine with the Emperor's numbers. Right? Am I understanding this? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I mean, it's the Emperor, but also he hasn't shown any interest in us. Reign (Rachel): But if we take out Lord Saxton, or we have Lord Saxton, he'll be interested in us mildly. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Mildly. He doesn't like Saxton that much. Dart (Ryan): I think that if he's alive, we can negotiate if we execute him, that's problematic for a number of reasons. One is that it would just piss the emperor off, and two, is that it kind of flies in the face of this whole speech I have written. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I guess I'm just saying I don't…The Emperor has business other than Vasloria. He has his focuses elsewhere. I don't think the goings on since some little barony is going to catch much of his attention. It didn't when Edmund's family was killed. Reign (Rachel): I, I don't know what I mean. This is really..what this decision, this this action, Edmond needs to be involved. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yes, I do agree with that. Reign (Rachel): Like he killed Edmonds' family. And how old is he? 12? Dart (Ryan): Something like that. Zevari/Litrai: He's young. Reign (Rachel): And he's the last one? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): He is the heir, the rightful ruler of this land, whether he is a little shit or not. So what are you wanting to do? Like, what do you want to show Edmond or teach him more? I know you gave him a book to read, but…I… Zevari/Litrai: He should be a part of this. Reign (Rachel): He should be a part of this decision. It's his kingdom. And yes, it is your kingdom, as well. Dart (Ryan): A lot of this will be cleared up once you hear the speech. Reign (Rachel): So should we just bring Edmond? Should we have Razalax just bring Edmund down here? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Tase is like, “Yeah!” Dart (Ryan): Let's go talk to him. Tase (Shanna): Why not? Can I have a moment alone with him? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yes. Reign (Rachel): What?! Zevari/Litrai: With… Edmund? Reign (Rachel): Tase and… Dart (Ryan): What? Tase (Shanna): No… Reign & Tase (Shanna): with Saxton! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Wait. What? Reign (Rachel): No. Tase (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): No. Dart (Ryan): For what? Reign (Rachel): No. Why? Tase (Shanna): What?! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I want to talk to you. Tase (Shanna): Ugh. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We'll be right back. Tase (Shanna): For the first time. Tase looks like, um…stressed. Like kind of upset. I suppose he's a little red in the face. “What, Zevari? What's going on?” Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Why do you want to be alone with him? Tase (Shanna): I just think, ah. You want to say my piece? I guess. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You're not going to kill him? Tase (Shanna): You told me I can't. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That's true. Tase (Shanna): He killed my best friend. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That's true. Tase (Shanna): I just want to. I don't know. I don't know, I don't know what I want to do, actually. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Don't kill him. Tase (Shanna): I won't kill him. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You promise? Tase (Shanna): Of course. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay. Well, then let's go talk. Tase (Shanna): I can do it later for not killing him now, I just like, I don't know, I need to do this, that's all. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): He killed his best friend and then tried to pin you for the murder of his son. Tase (Shanna): *inaudible* Reign (Rachel): I'm sorry all that happened. Tase (Shanna): I mean, if you ask me, we should put this fucking guy in the ground, and I. I'm not the kind of person to normally advocate for that kind of thing, but he's reprehensible. And I think that once we bring to light what he's done, the people will rally behind the Bedegars again, I hope. Reign (Rachel): Yes. Time. Timing is crucial and the weight of this is crucial and who does it is crucial and why is crucial. There are lots of moving elements and I don't trust you… if you haven't figured it out yet. I don't trust very many people, um, especially the people in this room right now. Dart is the guy I trust the most out of everyone in this castle. And I'm dating her sibling. Tase (Shanna): So I guess he's not here. Reign (Rachel): It still would be Dart. So, I cannot in good conscience yet say yes. But it's Dart's decision. As your advisor, I say no. I'm sorry, Zevari. We'll talk about it in therapy. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We need to talk about it. Reign (Rachel): That's for therapy. We should call that therapist some time though. Soon, maybe. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I’m good. Reign (Rachel): But can we just go on vacation? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Um... Reign (Rachel): She's like, “I probably shouldn’t talk anymore.” Dart (Ryan): We should probably all go upstairs and I will make a royal speech. Reign (Rachel): Can Razalax stay down here? Or, uh. Like or like in the doorway or whatever. Like, Or are we good? Do we have him secure? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um. He's out cold again. He's gagged. He's bound. Um, I don't know. I don't know what this this style of binding is called. I'm not. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): It's just arms extended MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Arms up above his head extended, hanging by chains. manacles on his feet, behind bars, presumably stripped of any, like… Reign (Rachel) the basement of our fortress. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): And if he goes into the wrong room, he finds the Wraith. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Let's go. Dart (Ryan): Oh, I guess let's gather everybody in the main hall. Um, and then I want to, uh, I guess I want to give this talk just to Edmund, and then let Edmund address everybody. Reign (Rachel): While we are gathering everyone, you can go have your, like, chat with Edmund. Dart (Ryan): That way, Edmund can sort of give his, uh, his response to the group, because it's ultimately his call. But I'd like to advise him first, if you will. Reign (Rachel): Of course. I think that's the best decision. So we're gathering people. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Mhm. Yeah. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You go into what, Edmond’s room with him? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Edmond (Shanna): What's with all the secrecy? What happened? Why do you look so serious? Dart (Ryan): Maybe you should sit down. Edmond (Shanna): Oh, I’ll stand. Thanks. Dart (Ryan): Okay. Um. Edmund. As I'm sure you may or may not have deduced by now, we've captured Lord Saxton. Edmond (Shanna): You have him?! Dart (Ryan): I understand… Edmond (Shanna): You have him downstairs?! Dart (Ryan): I am… Edmond (Shanna): You have him downstairs?! Dart (Ryan): Yes. Edmond (Shanna): Is he in the dungeon? Dart (Ryan): Slow down. Edmond (Shanna): No! Dart (Ryan): Slow down. Edmond (Shanna): I want to see him. I want to see the look in his eyes when I… Dart (Ryan): LISTEN TO ME, BOY! I understand the storm of emotions that rages within you. The anguish and desire for justice that burns like a flame as a king, but more importantly, as someone who has seen the consequences of such paths. I implore you to listen to reason, to heed the wisdom of ages past. Vengeance, while a powerful force, is a double edged sword. It promises retribution, but it also begets more suffering. When we seek to repay violence with violence, we perpetuate an endless cycle of pain and loss. What begins as justice can quickly descend into a cycle of revenge, consuming all who were touched by its flames. Consider this your family, taken from you in a cruel twist of fate, would not consider you to carry the weight of vengeance upon your shoulders. They would want you to live with honor and dignity, to uphold the values they held dear. Your actions today will ripple through the annals of history, shaping the future of our realm. Instead of succumbing to the darkness that beckons with promises of satisfaction. Choose the harder path of forgiveness and justice tempered with mercy. Channel your grief into building a legacy that honors their memory, the one that stands as a testament to their lives and the values they cherish. Remember, that true strength lies not in the sword, but in the restraint to wield it wisely. Let us build a kingdom where justice is served without the stain of vengeance. Where compassion and reason guide our actions. This, my dear young noble, is the legacy that your family would want for you. May their spirits find peace in the knowledge that you chose the path of wisdom over the allure of vengeance. Together, let us forge a future where justice and mercy reign supreme. Crowd: *Yelling and Cheering* Dart! Dart! Dart! Dart! DART! Reign (Rachel): You hear as like we're pumping up Dart on the stage. Edmond (Shanna): Um, so Edmond gives you, like, a long, sort of, like, stare and doesn't like, he's just, like, completely, blank faced for a minute. So you're suggesting we let him go? Dart (Ryan): I am suggesting that we don't execute him. Edmond (Shanna): Why? You executed everyone else. That you fought. Why not him? The most evil fucking guy. This doesn't make any sense! Dart (Ryan): Because this is our coming out of the shadows moment. This is the moment where you return to your kingdom. And take it back. And I don't want that stain. I want you to return triumphantly. Not vengeful. Edmond (Shanna): Then he may be put on trial and hanged for his crimes. Once he is found guilty by a court of law that I'm willing to accept. I don't want to just. I mean, you do you think I want to kill the guy?! I mean, I do, but I don't. I don't even know if I could face him, honestly. But to suggest mercy to the person who killed my family. Dart (Ryan): Justice via the channels of law is the choice of a wise leader. Edmond (Shanna): Fine. He can stand trial. But I want it tomorrow. I want the trial as soon as possible. I need to go home. I need to take my power back. Do they know that Saxon is alive? Dart (Ryan): Who? Everybody. Edmond (Shanna): Yeah. Anyone? Dart (Ryan): It's just the squad. Edmond (Shanna): Then, let me return home. Dart (Ryan): Um. We're almost at that point. We're very nearly ready to retake Bedegar. Um, I think that justice needs to be seen to be done. And you should hold the trial once we retake Bedegar, so that the people of Bedegar can see you dispensing justice fairly. Edmond (Shanna): Okay, so we will march. Excellent. Dart (Ryan): Well, we need a plan. But. Yes. Edmond (Shanna): I've got it. We will march back to my home. I will show everyone that I am alive and well, and that we have captured Saxon for his crimes. That he will be held on trial. And I will call upon the Umbermoors for aid. Dart (Ryan): Right. That's a pretty good plan. We just, uh. Edmond (Shanna): I've spoken with Lord Zarxus in the past, and he said that he would back me when the time came. So I think with him, we could secure some, you know, maybe we could get the aid of some Umbermoor paladins. Dart (Ryan): We just needed enough of a show of force that any last remaining Saxton loyalists left in Bedegar City will throw down their arms and surrender the city to us. To you? Edmond (Shanna): Yes. And when I have taken my seat back at the head of the barony, I will appoint you the Lord of Gravesford. Dart (Ryan): Uh… Edmond (Shanna): I will have a deed drawn up for Castle Rend, and I will provide it for you. I've been thinking about this. Dart (Ryan): Um. Thank you. Once that business is concluded, uh, there are further endeavors that myself, Reign and Zevari need to embark upon. Edmond (Shanna): What sort of endeavors? Dart (Ryan): Um. There's news of mistreatment of my kind that I would like to address. Edmond (Shanna): Are you going to take revenge? And he smiles. Girlies (Samaria & Rachel): *GASP* Oh, no… Dart (Ryan): No, I'm going to rescue my people. Edmond (Shanna): Okay. Reign (Rachel): Damn. That was good. That's good. Dart (Ryan): I knew what I was going to say that. Reign (Rachel): We're outside the window. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We're using, like, my, uh, levitate spell. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): There’s someone standing in the lobby like, “is it somebody's birthday?” Reign (Rachel): Let us in… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): The tea sounds hot… Dart (Ryan): Wasn’t my idea to let Bonebreaker Doracore go? Reign (Rachel): Yeah, I think so. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Things didn't work out. Reign (Rachel): We tried. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah. You did let her go. Reign (Rachel): Lucky brain foot's happy. No, no. What was it? Zevari (Samaria): It was an Intellect Devourer. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): An Intellect Devourer. Yeah. Dart (Ryan): Right. So, let's go into the main hall and you can tell everybody what you've decided. Edmond (Shanna): Excellent. Lord Dart and he kind of like, does this, like, ushers you out? Shall we? We shall. Reign (Rachel): Is Edmund taller than Dart? Zevari (Samaria): How tall is dark? Dart (Ryan): Like? Three and a half. Four feet tall. Plus, like an inch or two. Zevari (Samaria): From crown to. Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): Crown to Dart ratio is mainly Dart. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): He's probably. Um, is like, 4.5ft tall or close to it. So just a little bit. Just a little bit taller than Dart. Dart (Ryan): I can jump higher, though. Of course. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): So, you guys will come down the grand staircase into the lobby and Reign (Rachel): There's a stage, right? Um, we've set up a stage quickly. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): They quickly, like, stacked a bunch of, like, crates next to each other and threw a big board over it and created a small podium. Reign (Rachel): When you come around a corner, there's a bear wearing a tutu, writing a unicycle on the on the… MD (Shanna): & Reign (Rachel): Da da da da da da da. (In the tune of Entry of the Gladiators) MD (Shanna): (Shanna): And people are like, yeah Zevari (Samaria): it's it's one of the druids. Reign (Rachel): It's Maevina. It’s a Maevina move. Zevari (Samaria): Oh my God. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yes. And keeping the folks that are detained while they wait. Um, and Edmond will walk down and everybody gets kind of quiet. He stands up on the, you know, on the stage, um, ushers off the bear on the unicycle, Reign (Rachel): Pops back into a little halfling. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): “And that's my set.” Reign (Rachel): Bear bombs off the stage. Zevari (Samaria): Okay. I have to fix that. Edmond (Shanna): Everyone. I am pleased to announce that we have captured our enemy. Lord Saxton. *Crowd Cheers* And a bunch of people are like, “YEAH!”. And a lot of people are like, “what?” Dart (Ryan): There's gonna be that moment from, um, the the The Knight movie with Heath ledger where everyone just stands there silently and one guy is like, yo, Reign (Rachel):It's Reign. Reign’s the one guy. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): “I become so numb!” Zevari (Samaria): That's his AirPod. And that's what's playing right now. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): But, um, yes. Um, yes. Um, we have captured our enemy, Lord Saxon, and secured my passage back home to the seat of Bedegar. I know that living under Saxon’s rule has been difficult. I have been listening. I know that he has increased taxes. I will change them back. Crowd: *Cheering and whistles* Fuck taxes! MD (Shanna): (Shanna): I know that he is invested in the military we will be investing in. And he looks at Dart and he goes, “Education, Infrastructure, and Health Care.” Crowd: *Cheering and whistles* Edmond (Shanna): He's, like, proud of me. Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Zevari (Samaria): I mean, that's sweet. Reign (Rachel): Reign is crying. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): But we have a long road before we can implement any of the many changes I would like to see. We have to secure my home completely and convince the rest of Bedegar that I am fit to rule, just like my father and just like my older brother were. My father was a very kind and wise man. He would do anything to save a friend. He would do anything to look after his family. And I plan on doing the same thing with my friends, the Ham Crusaders by my side. And now hopefully additional aid from more friends that I don't want to mention until I know that we have them. Um, we will take back better guard. I will have a lot of new jobs opening up, and Castle Ren will now be owned by your King and Lord, Lord Dart. My first official act as Baron of bodyguard is to name Dart of the Hopkins, Lord of Gravesford. Crowd: *Cheering and whistles* Regin: *Distorted Air Horn Noise* All the finger guns. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Everybody cheers. Crowd: *Cheering and whistles* Dart! Dart! Dart! Dart! Dart! Reign (Rachel): With his little flappy fingers. Crowd: No more landlords!!! *Cheering and whistles* Edmond (Shanna): Oh, there'll still be landlords! Crowd: BOOOOOOO!!!!! Edmond (Shanna): Don't get ahead of yourself. There will still be landlords. Reign (Rachel): Dart is just the head of them. Crowd: *Cheering and whistles* Reign (Rachel): Dart Lord. Dart Lord. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Dart Lord. Ha Edmond (Shanna): You will now pay. Uh, you will now pay the local tax directly to Lord Dart. Thank you. Dart (Ryan): I’m literally a lord of some lands. Uh, I think. Did you finish the book I gave you? Edmond (Shanna): What? I'm not. I'm not done. I'm not done. Zevari (Samaria): It's only been a night. Edmond (Shanna): Furthermore… Dart (Ryan): I got another… Edmond (Shanna): I would like to appoint our very own Reign Vosgrove… Reign (Rachel): Huh? Zevari (Samaria): There's, like a shift like you just here necks turn to look at you. Reign (Rachel): Why are you pointing at me? Edmond (Shanna): I'm appointing you… Reign (Rachel): Oh! Edmond (Shanna): …as a Knight of Bedegar. Zevari (Samaria): Dame Reign Dart (Ryan): …protector of the realm Edmond (Shanna): …defender of good. Reign (Rachel): Reign is pure…I just, what I just did. I was like, jaw dropped, like, uh. Um, like, is there another Reign? Maybe? Zevari (Samaria): It's really uncommon. Edmond (Shanna): Please, uh, roll forward. Reign (Rachel): So Reign pushes forward. Edmond (Shanna): He'll, like, step down and, um. Oh, I, uh uh, do you have a scepter or a saber? Dart (Ryan): I have Arcturus, the sword of the King. Edmond (Shanna): May I? Dart (Ryan): Sure. Zevari (Samaria): Awww. Reign (Rachel): Oh, shit… Zevari (Samaria): I think that’s the only person you’ve let touch that thing. Dart (Ryan): I tried to give it to Razalax one time. Zevari (Samaria): Still really sweet Edmond (Shanna): Edmond will hold up the sword. And… Zevari (Samaria): Does it glisten and glow? Edmond (Shanna): It glistens and glows. Yes, absolutely. The sword of stars, Arcturus. Reign (Rachel): Reign puts, like, one foot on the ground and, like, leans her head down. And, uh, Flux is probably somewhere, like, in the background. Just like his hands like sponges. And he's crying and is soaking up his little mimic tears because he's so proud of Reign. Edmond (Shanna): Oh, that's so sweet. Zevari (Samaria): I’m gonna cry, y’all. This is so sweet Edmond (Shanna): And he lowers the blade, touches one shoulder and says, uh, to all here present. Know ye that Reign Vosgrove, Knight of Bedegar, has been recognized for honorable service to our community and is hereby admitted as a distinguished Knight in the Order of the Bedegar family. Reign, you may serve any. You may serve any Lord of Bedegar that you see fit. And, uh, thank you so much for your service. Zevari (Samaria): First knight. Edmond (Shanna): And then he’ll hand the sword back to Zarxus…or not Zarxus. *Table laughs* Edmond (Shanna): Sorry. Ha! Zevari (Samaria): We know what lord you're going for. Reign (Rachel): I wish Zarxus was here. Edmond (Shanna): And sorry. He hands the sword back…I think I read your mind or something…He’ll hand the sword back to Dart Zevari (Samaria): I think with the deepest of bows. Edmond (Shanna): Yes, the deep bow. Reign (Rachel): And as you shift and hand it to him, I shift and I'm like, of course I would. The only person I have trusted fully since I've been here. Zevari (Samaria): Sus… MD (Shanna): (Shanna): I know… Reign (Rachel): It would be my honor, as I've said before, to serve by your side as your knight as well as your friend. Dart (Ryan): I will continue to try and be worthy of the scraps you've given me and the scraps you will give me in the future. Reign (Rachel): Aww! The scraps! We have to figure out how many scraps I actually had and how many have given like a total of given out and all that kind of stuff. Dart (Ryan): You’ve given me 32. Reign (Rachel): *heavy sigh* You probably deserve more, my friend. Dart (Ryan): I mean, 20 of them are for the children I rescued. Reign (Rachel): This is true. Zevari (Samaria): I do have a total written down that I've given me 31. Reign (Rachel): okay?! And I've given out others too. I have, like, a thing, but, um. But yeah. Edmond (Shanna): So everyone cheers. And he says, now we celebrate and tomorrow we get to work. Reign (Rachel): Hear. Hear. Zevari (Samaria): The Asmodeus church goers are having a fucking rager. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): They start bringing up the…they start bringing up the party water. Reign & Zevari (Samaria): Oh, Woah. Woah. Woah! Reign (Rachel): That stays downstairs. Zevari (Samaria): We talked about this. Reign (Rachel): One room. Zevari (Samaria): We talked about this. Reign (Rachel): Get it away. Asmodeus Church Goers: We're so…just… Zevari (Samaria): We have to disclose. Remember informed consent You know. Remember when we talked about informed consent. Asmodeus Church Goers: But it's… Zevari (Samaria): Come here. Reign (Rachel): No. Take that way. Asmodeus Church Goers: Yes, Lady Zevari? Informed consent, remember? That’s what we said. They're not informed yet. Asmodeus Church Goers: Hey, everybody! Do you want some…? Reign (Rachel): No. Then, go downstairs! Zevari (Samaria): Okay, then come downstairs. That's where we're going. Asmodeus Church Goers: Do you know how hard it was to carry these two platters up the stairs? Zevari (Samaria): They come to us, we don’t come to them. Reign (Rachel): Going down is easier with gravity. Trust me. Zevari (Samaria): I'll help you. Asmodeus Church Goers: Thank you, Lady Zevari. Zevari (Samaria): Litria to you. Asmodeus Church Goers: Oh! That’s right! Thank you, Litira. Reign (Rachel): Reign just has a flashback of being in the church of Asmodeus. After drinking that and then the morning after being so dehydrated. Zevari (Samaria): Like the Sahara desert. Reign (Rachel): So bad. Oh, man. Nothing could quench your thirst. And she was at the The dreams the... What is it? Zevari (Samaria): The Pharaoh's dream. Reign (Rachel): Pharaoh's dream. Zevari (Samaria): So there's plenty of water on deck. Reign (Rachel): And she was just like, ring a ding ding ding, bring me stuff ring a ding ding ding, Bring me stuff. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): More lemonade. Reign (Rachel): Ten gold to you, sir. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): But yeah. And so they're fucking turning up Reign (Rachel): Ha…turnips. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): The stew’s got turnips in it. Zevari (Samaria): Eeww…it’s not even in season. Castle Rend Cook (Shanna): Saved them for this special occasion. Zevari (Samaria): They’re pickled. Castle Rend Cook (Shanna): Yeah. They're pickled exactly. Reign (Rachel): In a root cellar. Castle Rend Cook (Shanna): Nice. Nice. Edmond (Shanna): Edmund's like. Oh… Dart (Ryan): I was going to give Edmund another book. Edmond (Shanna): I haven't finished the other one yet. Dart (Ryan): You don't have to read them all at the same time. They're just the books that I have collected. Um, on how to be a good leader. I'm going to give them Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the ultimate guide on how to be a philosopher king. Reign (Rachel): It's dense. Edmond (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): I've never seen it, so I don't know. Dart (Ryan): It's like 60 pages, Reign (Rachel): oh, it's not. You’re good. Dart (Ryan): One of my favorite quotes… Edmond (Shanna): That's it?! Dart (Ryan): “The best revenge is to be unlike him who caused the injury.” Edmond (Shanna): Well, I'm nothing like Lord Saxton. Dart (Ryan): That's good, because he is a Dick. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): With a capital ‘D’. Edmond: So can I kick him in the nuts? Reign (Rachel): I mean… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That's fair. Reign (Rachel): That’s fair. I mean, the way that he's strung up right now, I feel like it'd be pretty easy. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): One kick to the balls. Reign (Rachel): Dude, I probably could even do that. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You should just punch his balls, I think. Reign (Rachel): But It would be funny if I threw my leg up there. Edmond: Come on. Dart (Ryan): Sleep on it. Edmond: can I drink tonight? Dart (Ryan): Yes. Reign (Rachel): What? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): He can have a beer. Edmond: Edmond runs to the bar. Reign (Rachel): “Dart said I could!” Does he need a note from Dart? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Give him a nasty like… Barkeep (Shanna): We don't have any rules. Dart told him not to, so he didn't. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): He can have whatever you want. Barkeep (Shanna): Yeah. I don't give a shit, kid. Here you go. Dart (Ryan): It’s medieval fantasy ale is basically like oatmeal in this time. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Okay. Give him something to cool, some mead… here. Barkeep (Shanna): Yeah. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): The fancy stuff. Reign (Rachel): Some mead you need. Barkeep (Shanna): Some mead. Yes. Yeah. I mean, chug chug chug chug chug chug! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): He’s doing a kegstand. Edmond: Edmond’s chugging like a big, like, you know, tanker. But just, like, running all over and fucking face. He can't really drink it that fast. And then he just burps. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Don't let kids drink in real life, everyone. Public disclaimer. Reign (Rachel): He'll pass out soon. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): And the party will keep going. 0:39:23 MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You hear the pads about Walter's little feet Reign (Rachel): Walter? No. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Absolutely not. Waltor (Shanna): What can you do now that you’re a Lord, dad? Dart (Ryan): Uh, my kids no longer have to pay rent with my money because I own the city. Reign (Rachel): Oh, God… Dart (Ryan): Solved that problem. Reign (Rachel): Well, we'll do some peer reviews of the budget. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We get tax dollars now. Reign (Rachel): I know, but we we have to… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Just give it back to the community. Reign (Rachel): Exactly. This is true. They are part of the community. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): So it's okay that we're getting tax dollars. Waltor (Shanna): What’s tax dollas? Dart (Ryan): That's, uh, pool of money that's paid into collectively by everyone in an area to service goods and services to the same people who pay those funds. Waltor (Shanna): Oh, okay. So it's like, uh, evweebody pitching in for, um, a fwuit plate. Dart (Ryan): Yeah, except the fruit plate is usually like firefighters and town gardens and … Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Schools… Dart (Ryan): Clean water… Reign (Rachel): Affordable housing, parks… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Health care, here. Waltor (Shanna): Maybe I could be a firefighta. Dart (Ryan): Maybe. Reign (Rachel): I was thinking about that. I don't think you should give up on your dream of being a blacksmith. Waltor (Shanna): Well, I mean, you know… Dart (Ryan): or a jeweler. Reign (Rachel): or a jeweler. I think a jeweler would be really cool. You could be all of the things, right? But, like, you could start with jewelry, but then, like, once your wrists have gotten a little stronger, we can make you some little wristy braces because, like, make them make a muscle for me, Waltor. Like, let me see them biceps. Waltor (Shanna): huh? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Does he have biceps? Waltor (Shanna): Do fwogs…oh…uh do Bullywugs have biceps? Reign (Rachel): I feel like they have… Waltor (Shanna): Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, he'll go and he'll kind of push up his sleeves. And he's got these, like, really shrimpy arm, you know, and like, you know, just the tiny, like tiny little hands, um, with the pointed toes on them and just like. *grunts* So you can see that he is tensing, but he does not have any muscle on that arm. Reign (Rachel): I mean, he could have. He could have a nice bicep. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): He's a baby, right. Reign (Rachel): So I, uh. I take. I want it like a like a staff, and I'm going to break it in half and to make it or I want to like, break it so that it's like ten inches long and then tie a rope to it and just like a rock, not like anything like big, but like something small. And I'm going to teach him how to, like, exercise with this, okay. And that like every week he should find something just every week, find something that is just a little heavier than this every week. Just keep doing it and you'll do this every day. And you're just instruct him to like, hold it out with hands on each side of the rope, and then he's just going to twist it, uh, and it's going to like, roll it up. Waltor (Shanna): He’s, like, struggling. Reign (Rachel): It's only pain. What what is it? Pain is only…Pain is only weakness leaving the body. That's what I was always told. Waltor (Shanna): Huh? I don't like the sound of that. That sounds mean. Reign (Rachel): Okay, then, let's rephrase it. Your. Your… Waltor (Shanna): His hands are shaking. Reign (Rachel): You're growing muscle. It's little guys, just like, working out with you in your arms, and it'll like. Do you want to try it without the rock? Just do it with the rope. Waltor (Shanna): Well… Reign (Rachel): It's okay to start… Everyone has to start somewhere. Waltor (Shanna): Otay? Otay, Auntie Weign. Reign (Rachel): I would like to train you. I think that you can. You shouldn't give up on your dream of being a blacksmith just because right now you can't lift a hammer. Well, I believe in you. Waltor (Shanna): I can wift a hamma… Reign (Rachel): awe, this is true. You can. I believe in you. Waltor (Shanna): Okay. Reign (Rachel): But not in a bardic inspiration way. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh Reign (Rachel): But I didn't say that out loud. That was over the table. Waltor (Shanna): I wike painting. Reign (Rachel): You like painting? That's awesome. Can we paint together too? Sometime? Waltor (Shanna): You wanna paint with me and Demelza? Reign (Rachel): Yeah! I would love to! Waltor (Shanna): Demelza showed me how to paint. Reign (Rachel): That's beautiful. Waltor (Shanna): Yeah… Reign (Rachel): I love it. Waltor (Shanna): Okay. Can I go to the party? Reign (Rachel): Go to the party. But no alcohol for you. Waltor (Shanna): okay? Reign (Rachel): And she just throws bacon at him. Waltor (Shanna): Sllllluuurp! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Extendo-Tongue. Reign (Rachel): Gotta get my protein up, kid. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): His catching skills have greatly improved. Hespiros is nowhere to be found. He's not running around anywhere. Dart (Ryan): Um, I'm gonna go look for him. I'm more concerned with my children than festivities. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Like a good father. 0:44:32 MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, so if you look around inside the castle and stuff, you ask people no one's seen him. Um, but you walk around outside of the castle, just outside of the castle walls, where it's kind of, like, broken and still not fully repaired. There's like a section where you can walk through so that the workers could get on both sides of that wall. And he's, like, standing out there in the grass with like, a big stick. And he's like, poking at something and on the ground and kind of, you know, fucking around out there basically by himself. He looks up at a tree and tries to reach and grab a branch to climb up. It seems like hanging from the branch starts to lift himself up. Um, he doesn't notice you at all. Dart (Ryan): Testing your strength, Hespiros. Hespiros (Shanna): When he hears you, he's kind of startled me. Lets go and falls and lands on his butt like, ah. And he gets up and he's like, yeah. Hey, dad, what's going on? Is there something? There's a lot of noise in the castle. Dart (Ryan): You're missing out on a celebration. Hespiros (Shanna): Oh, yeah? Somebody's birthday? Dart (Ryan): Um, more like. More like a victory for our cause, I guess. Hespiros (Shanna): A victory, huh? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Hespiros (Shanna): Well. What happened, Dad? Dart (Ryan): Um. I was made the Lord of Gravesford. Hespiros (Shanna): Wow. Oh. Aren’t you already king? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. I'm both. Reign (Rachel): We’re going to have this 18 more times. Hespiros (Shanna): Hell yeah, Dad! I mean, uh. Heck, yeah. Uh, Sir Razalax said I shouldn't say the “H” word or the “S” word or the “B” word or the “F” word or the “C” word. Zevari (Samaria): The “C” word? Reign (Rachel): saying the C word. Zevari (Samaria): He be cussin’. Dart (Ryan): Crap. Table: *Laughs* Dart (Ryan): Um, I'll tell you what my father told me. “There's a time and a place for those kinds of words, and you're not going to be in that time and place very often.” Hespiros (Shanna): Wait. What was your dad like? Zevari (Samaria): Oh… Dart (Ryan): Um. He was humble. He, uh. And humble and disciplined. He sort of. He led a simple life. But he cared very much about mastering every aspect of his life, no matter how simple it was. And he always told the truth. Hespiros (Shanna): He sounds like a great dad. Was he? Dart (Ryan): He was. Hespiros (Shanna): I have a great dad, too. Dart (Ryan): Awww Hespiros (Shanna): And he puts his hand on your shoulder. Sorry. I'm, uh. Missing the celebration. I just add, I would point out here to think a lot and I don't know. Dart (Ryan): Well, a wise man who dwells on the beauty of life and not his own misfortunes. Hespiros (Shanna): I like the sounds that the forest makes at night. Dart (Ryan): Me too. Hespiros (Shanna): It's like, uh, makes me feel like, really small. Like, um, I don't know, like, it doesn't matter that much how things are, because there's a lot of things I don't know. Does that make sense, dad? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. You have, um, power over your own mind, but not outside events. I feel like if you bear that in mind, you'll always be able to find the strength. Hespiros (Shanna): I hope to be strong like you someday. I'm getting pretty good with the sword, but, you know? Can I ask you about something? Dart (Ryan): Sure. Hespiros (Shanna): I've seen what? Um, Pinna and, uh, her boyfriend, and, uh, Mr. Taste can do. And you think I learn like spells or magic? I have the sword. But it seems like, you know, swords are only good for killing people. But magic is good for, like, all kinds of stuff. You know? Dart (Ryan): I think you can learn anything that you apply yourself to. Hespiros (Shanna): Do you think you could give me a teacher? Dart (Ryan): Sure. Hespiros (Shanna): Yeah? Dart (Ryan): If you're willing to work hard at it. Hespiros (Shanna): I’m always willing to work hard. It's, uh, all I know. Reign (Rachel): Wizard Hespiros… Hespiros (Shanna): I know I said I wanted to be just like you, but I can be like you while still casting spells and stuff, right? Dart (Ryan): I mean, you know, I can also cast spells? Hespiros (Shanna): You can?! Just show me! I mean, he's like jumping up and down in excitement. Dart (Ryan): I’m just gonna kind of like Misty Step behind him. Hespiros (Shanna): *gasp* Again! Dart (Ryan): No. Hespiros (Shanna): Yeah. That was so cool. Can you show me how to do that? *strains* Reign (Rachel): He farts. Hespiros (Shanna): Ha he farts. Dart (Ryan): That was something you have to take very seriously. Much like a sword. It it's, um. What's the word for? Hespirose: Really cool. Reign (Rachel): Not to be messed with. Not to be trifled with. Hespiros (Shanna): Uh. Dangerous. Exciting. Dart (Ryan): Whether or not it's good or bad depends on the person using it. Well, it can be. You can go either way. And so… Hespiros (Shanna): I'm going to be good like you and, uh, Sir Razalax Dart (Ryan): Do you have any idea what kind of magic you want to do? Hespiros (Shanna): There are different kinds of magic?! Dart (Ryan): Yeah. Hespiros (Shanna): Oh, um, the cool king?! Reign (Rachel): He has Naruto energy. Zevari (Samaria): He’s Naruto Coded. So kind of homework that we did. Mhm. Like Dart (Ryan): There's holy magic. There's nature magic. There's elemental magic. Zevari (Samaria): There's whatever Morag does. Reign (Rachel): Spider magic? Morag (Shanna): *witchy laugh* Zevari (Samaria): I imagine Morag is going hard. Dart (Ryan): If you enjoyed…if you enjoy nature, then perhaps you should meet a druid. Hespiros (Shanna): Nature magic? That sounds interesting. Yeah. No, I think you know. Yeah. Well, sure. Yeah. Let's let's try it. Right. Dart (Ryan): Okay. Hespiros (Shanna): So he just, like, gives you, like, a huge hug. They squeezes, like, really hard. Do you hug me back? Dart (Ryan): Yeah. I am Hespiros (Shanna): Thanks, Dad! Dart (Ryan): I am confident you will make me even more proud than I already am. Hespiros (Shanna): I'm going to be the best druid ever. And someday I'm going to save you! Dart (Ryan): That's a great ambition, son. But mostly I just want you to take it seriously and be proud of yourself. Hespiros (Shanna): Okay. I'll try. As long as you're proud of me. I'm proud of me. Dart (Ryan): I am proud of you. You've done a great job looking after your little brother. And… Hespiros (Shanna): He's got really good at catching bacon. Reign (Rachel): That’s what we like to hear! Hespiros (Shanna): He even beats me sometimes when we spar. Of course, I usually, you know, let him. But, you know, he's learning a lot. And I'm glad I have a brother. Dart (Ryan): What do you say we head back inside and enjoy the festivities? Hespiros (Shanna): Sure. Yeah. Let's go and, like, run ahead of you. Dart (Ryan): I'm going to let him win that race, but I am going to get ahead of him for just a second. So we enjoy the victory more. Zevari (Samaria): Make them work for a little. Hespiros (Shanna): Chump! Haha. Tackles the castle wall at the last second. Nice try… Is that buffalo chicken dip? Reign (Rachel): Teens love buffalo chicken dip. Dart (Ryan): Made from both buffaloes and chicken. Hespiros (Shanna): Hell yeah! I mean, heck. Zevari (Samaria): The attempt is what matters. Razalax: Razalax, you know, they'll never learn. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): So what are you two doing during this time? Zevari (Samaria): Oh, last of all, I was telling the church goers to take take the special water back to the basement. Let them come to us, not the other way around. So, yeah, she's like in the church, somewhat overseeing the festivities, making sure everything's okay. Not there. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Go ahead. Zevari (Samaria): Not really partying herself, though. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): There are people, like coming down that have never been down before. Zevari (Samaria): Mhm. Asmodeus Church Goer: Just so you know, the water has drugs in it! Zevari (Samaria): and she has like you know some of the people that come to her service kind of at the door. So it's like they're probably not going to party much anyway you know. She's like you know if you guys want to just take it in shifts, you know, nobody should be there all night if they don't want to be. She knows that they will probably… Asmodeus Church Goer: Please use responsibly! Zevari (Samaria): Be aware. Anna (Shanna): Um, you were approached by one of your, uh, one of the followers of your service that you've been doing. Anna. Zevari (Samaria): Oh, Anna! Anna (Shanna): She….Lady Litria? Zevari (Samaria): Yeah? Anna (Shanna): I see you have returned. Welcome back. Zevari (Samaria): Uh. Thank you. Anna (Shanna): I we I admit we expected you to be gone longer. I'm so glad to see that you're back already. Zevari (Samaria): Oh, um, we're just kind of stopping for the night, I believe. I think tomorrow we're going to head out again, but we figured we should celebrate while we're here. Anna (Shanna): The work is never done, huh? Zevari (Samaria): No. Unfortunately not. Anna (Shanna): Well, so you captured that, um. That, uh. That guy? Zevari (Samaria): Yes. Anna (Shanna): And what's up with that? Zevari (Samaria): Just know whatever he gets, he earned it. And he he actually deserved tenfold. But, um, just know it's for a reason. Anna (Shanna): Oh, I definitely believe that. Is he, um, in that other room by chance? Zevari (Samaria): No. Anna (Shanna): Okay, great. Because we were planning on using that for, like, a sex room. Well, not we, but they. And I told them that it might be being used, but.. Zevari (Samaria): Let me double check to make sure it's not being used by anything else. Anna (Shanna): And she's referring to, like the room where you have Lord Saxton chained up. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah…I’m going to direct you to… Reign (Rachel): Get a different sex dungeon? Zevari (Samaria): Yeah. She's like, oh, that one's used. We have to use a different room. Anna (Shanna): Maybe the Wraith would be into it. Zevari (Samaria): Oh not my followers. Anna (Shanna): Well, it's really not my kind of thing. The thing is, is that normally it's done out in the open. But I've tried to make some changes and have them designate a room for it. So. Yeah. So that was why I was asking. Zevari (Samaria): I really appreciate you taking that initiative. Anna (Shanna): Well, you know, Zevari (Samaria): I like it like, um, put my hand on her shoulder like, give her guidance, you know? Huh. Because the dramatics of it all, Anna (Shanna): She loves the feeling of the warmth of Asmodeus watching over her. You know, you told me that I should, uh, start taking on more of a leadership role or out here, and I think, you know, being a person that's newly sober, I can help a lot of other people who want to walk that path. Zevari (Samaria): That’s amazing. Thank you so much. I need the help. Anna (Shanna): Oh, of course, Lady Litria…do you? Do you need a hug? Zevari (Samaria): I think that would be nice. Anna (Shanna): And she embraces you and she squeezes you, like, real tight and rubs her back, like, Zevari (Samaria): You know, like when you just really need a hug. Just that deep breath. Anna (Shanna): Yeah. And she's, she says, you know, uh, you know, under his eye, may the Lord Asmodeus guide you. Um. And may your soul be in hellish peace. Zevari (Samaria): Under his eye…thank you. Anna (Shanna): And then she kind of, like, cups your face in her hands and she goes, Lady Litria, um, thank you so much for everything you do. Together, we can, we can do anything we want with this church. Zevari (Samaria): I was thinking exactly the same thing. Anna (Shanna): And they share a Zevari (Samaria): Very gay moment. Anna (Shanna): Yeah. They smile at each other and, uh, roll for gayness, actually. Zevari (Samaria): Oh my God. The first time doing it without Reign. Reign (Rachel): I was sitting here being like… Zevari (Samaria): A 19. Reign (Rachel): Oh, my God. Anna (Shanna): She got a four. She only sees you as a friend. Zevari (Samaria): You know, Zevari’s really going through it right now. Anna (Shanna): Zevari’s questioning. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah, Anna (Shanna): She does like she does kind of look. You're probably like, “oh my gosh, is she about to kiss me?” Zevari (Samaria): Is she about to go for it? Anna (Shanna): And then she just lets go and you know backs away a little bit and kind of like gives a bow. And she's like, you know, um, hey, congratulations on your victory. May there be many more to come. You're going to kneel with honor and pray. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah. Like I feel like that's really the only thing that she would have left to do. It's been a very eventful time. The last, like, hour. Anna (Shanna): Yeah. Nah, I can see that. Yeah. Uh, do you want to roll for concordance? Zevari (Samaria): Sure. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): So it's d20. Zevari (Samaria): It's at 12 MD (Shanna): (Shanna): A 12. Um, so with your concordance bonus of +6. Do you have anything? Zevari (Samaria): Okay. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um. You feel the distant approval of Asmodeus? As if he's not watching you necessarily actively right now. Um, but in general, you have, like, this resonance with his energy that would suggest that you are in his favor, currently. Zevari (Samaria): That definitely helps steady her, helps her get her bearings, knowing that she has some sense of approval. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah, he knows you need that hit of approval. Zevari (Samaria): Need it desperately. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, but yeah, when you pray and hold your hand while you guys pray. Zevari (Samaria): It's very gay. Anna (Shanna): Not for her, though. Zevari (Samaria): Not… just me. Just me. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um. Reign. What were you doing while Dart was talking with his children? And… Reign (Rachel): …everyone else, doing meaningful stuff. Um. Check out this letter from my partner, uh. From my my other being. Um. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Ah, yes. So during the speech, you had felt the shift in your diplomat's pouch. Reign (Rachel): And I smelled the signature perfume. What is the perfume smell like? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Um, I would say it's going to be like. What? What would Zarxus smells like? Zevari (Samaria): Um, vanilla. Probably vanilla. And, like, kind of spicy. Reign (Rachel): I feel like maybe your flower. Vanilla and the flat, like a. Oh, like an Umbermoor flower. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah. Um. Wisteria, it's very floral. Reign (Rachel): Now, it's wisteria. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah. He switched recently. Zarxus (Shanna): Yes. And it has a citrus note. Zevari (Samaria): Yeah, because it's summer. Zarxus (Shanna): Yeah, because it's summer right now. Zevari (Samaria): That makes sense. Reign (Rachel): Summer Reign, that's what it's called. Zevari (Samaria): That's what it's called, now. It's a custom blend. Yeah, it's very expensive. Zarxus (Shanna): with fuckboi energy I'm going to spray this with Summer Reign. Reign (Rachel): This is what my date was like.. Zevari (Samaria): But it was a great time. Reign (Rachel): Great time, great time. Should've been there. Zevari (Samaria): Didn't want to. Reign (Rachel): Besties, but naw. Do you. Do you want to read the letter or what? Zarxus (Shanna): It's. It's your letter. You. Do you want it read aloud? Zevari (Samaria): No, you don't have to read it aloud to the table. Zarxus (Shanna): I could. Reign (Rachel): I… there's information that would be interesting to be read aloud. Zarxus (Shanna): You are hit with the familiar scent of Zarxus's signature perfume. As we've discussed, uh, vanilla. Wisteria. Citrus. Yeah. Um. And spice. Darling, Reign. See, I told you you were too hot to die. I want to see you soon. A picnic sounds wonderful. I can bring a wine and have a lavish charcuterie board made. There's a lovely meadow in the mountains with an amazing view of the sunset. It's a dream to look forward to. I need that dream. Especially now. I'm so sorry you got hurt again. I know I should be there fighting alongside you, but.. Reign (Rachel): No, you should not. Oh, please. I can only handle one Umbermoor at a time. Zarxus (Shanna): I like that you have my sister and Dart to look after you. But please don't let your luck run out. I'm worried about you guys. I hope you're right to say when... I hope you're right when you say that I'm ready to lead. I'm holding on to your words tightly these days. Oh, and, um, about the Zevari... I'm not sure what happened before she disappeared. It's kind of vague. Um, I do know that her and Duvern were attacked a few months before she went missing. Reign (Rachel): MhmMMMMM. Zarxus (Shanna): It was really bad, but they both survived. It was some sort of anti-royal cult that turned them on the road. Reign (Rachel): Oh I should probably get on the entire royal thing. Shouldn't I? Maybe you should ask. Zevari (Samaria): You check in with Zevari sometime. Reign (Rachel): Ooh, yeah. Check in sometime. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. Zarxus (Shanna): As far as I know, she recovered well and things were okay, but admittedly, we didn't hear much from her during that time. And then nothing. Reign (Rachel): She did not recover well. Zarxus (Shanna): Duvern told us she ran away or was kidnapped? But honestly, I don't know how long she was missing before we were made aware. There were no leads. We couldn't find her. She vanished. It was terrifying. It was lost hope. Suddenly I get that letter from her about my gun. And here we are. Crazy, right? I don't know if telling you this will give you any insight, but our parents are dying to see her, so I hope this helps. Dreaming of you. Zarxus There are lip gloss kisses at the bottom. Zevari (Samaria): I didn't read the whole thing before. I just saw one little bit. It's crazy. Reign (Rachel): Well, this is a lot to unpack. Um, okay. Well, um, I feel like I'd have to, like, send a response, but it's not going to be anything long because she wants to go visit Lilac. Um, and so it's like a quick, like, um. Charcuterie board sounds amazing. I would love, um. That sounds that sounds wonderful. We should absolutely do that after we're done handling the current situation. If we need if we need anything. Can I reach out to you? Um, like, I really want to see you, but we might. I don't know, I feel like we might need some help, um, at some point. And you are pretty strong now. Uh, you don't have to have me taking care of you at all time, but thanks for the info about Zevari. I'm trying my hardest to figure out how we can get her home. She's trying too. She wants to come home. And can you tell everyone that she loves them, especially Zalia. Zarxus (Shanna): oh, yeah, you just found out about Zalia. Zevari (Samaria): Oh, you didn't know before. Reign (Rachel): I didn't remember. It was a Ham Fact. Maybe, but… Zevari (Samaria): It was a Ham Fact. Zarxus (Shanna): But yeah, that's fine. Reign (Rachel): It's canon that it sunk in for Reign, at least because it was just a Ham Fact. Yeah, but Reign just found out about Zalia not that long ago, at the date. She misses you all. So we're trying our hardest. Um. Uh, talk to you soon. It's going to be a long night or. And then a long day tomorrow. So we're we're figuring stuff out, but I'll send you a message tomorrow before it all goes down. Um, uh, she pulls out the lip gloss Tase threw at her and does another kissy, uh, back and forth. It's it's there. Like… Zarxus (Shanna): Their thing? Reign (Rachel): Yeah, it's their thing. Zarxus (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): Um. But she does her. Damn. She wants to respond to Zarxus on the back of Zarxus’s page and then kiss and fold it so that the kisses match up, *loud noise*, um, sorry, I dropped my phone at the same time. It's gay as hell. Zarxus (Shanna): I can see the vision. Zevari (Samaria): Avant garde. Zarxus (Shanna): Thank you, Reign. *Begins to act like a fuckboi* I can’t wait for your message tomorrow. Reign (Rachel): Oh my God. Okay. The entire time we had our one on one date,m y face was covered with my hands being like, okay, this is happening…da di da di da di da. Zevari (Samaria): D&D… Reign (Rachel): It’s just flirting with your friends. Zevari (Samaria): Right? That's all it really is with some dice. Zarxus (Shanna): He writes back. “Hey, can I send you a nude?” Reign (Rachel): Thanks for asking me. Let me roll for this. Zevari (Samaria): It's your first roll. Reign (Rachel): It's a Nat 20! Zevari (Samaria): Yeah. Real hot girl shit. Ah. Reign (Rachel): What does it... What does it say exactly? Zarxus (Shanna): Can I send you a nude? Reign (Rachel): Just one? Zarxus (Shanna): DAMN! Zevari (Samaria): Somebody gonna match my freak? Somebody gonna match my nasty? Reign (Rachel): Eh! MD (Shanna): (Shanna): And now you want to go visit Lilac? Reign (Rachel): Yes. *laughter* Zevari (Samaria): While you wait. Reign (Rachel): While I wait for a response, I go. And for other news, I'm not going to, like, open it. If I see you feel it. Like shift shift shift shift. Zevari (Samaria): That's for later. Reign (Rachel): I don't open it again. I'm so sorry if anybody else needs to get ahold of me, but it is closed for right now. Zevari (Samaria): Phone is put on Do Not Disturb. Reign (Rachel): Indeed. InD&Deed. Ham Fact It Up! 1:08:56 Rachel: Our first hand fact is going to be, “Has your character ever been in love? Share a little bit about their maybe their love languages or how they receive love and give love?” Love you! Reign (Rachel): Reign has never been in romantic love. Um, she's been in like, friendship. Love and loves very deeply. Um, but she has never been in love. But then I don't think Reign knows what her love language is either. Like, she doesn't know how to be love or to love. Zevari (Samaria): For is Zevari, her love language is probably, um, words of affirmation. Just being really nice with your words. And so she's really care about gift giving. She's rich. She doesn't really care about acts of service. She's rich. So what else is there? And, um, has she ever been in love before? Well, she just recently told Tase that she loves them, so. Yeah, that's an easy one. Dart (Ryan): Dart communicates his love and or interest through a series of loud, extended croaks. Reign (Rachel): So, words of affirmation. Dart (Ryan): The croaks of affirmation. Reign (Rachel): It's wonderful. Morag (Shanna): For Morag! I was once sweet on a druid woman. She was very fine. She could turn into a spider. Reign (Rachel): Sounds like your flavor. Zevari (Samaria): I love learning more about you, Morag. Ham Fact It Down 1:10:53 Ad | Forge Ahead: A Party To Access: Hello, folks! This is Wesley Magee-Saxton, co-founder of Forge Ahead: A Party To Access. Instead of fighting ableist trolls in comment sections, I teamed up with fellow disabled gamer, Rachel Voss, to increase disability representation in games by designing authentic disabled characters and their epic mobility aids for you to use…Like Reign Vosgrove being played in this podcast! In addition to that, we offer disability consulting services and educational presentations for independent and commercial game designers and writers. Follow us on the socials @apartytoaccess and visit our website to add authentic disability representation to your games with the Access Card Library and print out some coloring sheets while you’re there! Let’s change the world one table at a time. Reign (Rachel): Umm…so… Zevari (Samaria): Time to shift gears. Reign (Rachel): Going to see a child. Going to see a child. She is what? She, like 14. Zevari (Samaria): Somewhere around there. Or. Like what? Nature. She's, like, well, aged MD (Shanna): (Shanna): For a Dragonborn, she's kind of like a teenager, but she's not that old, Reign (Rachel): right. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): If that makes sense.She’s only like, I think I want to say she's like, I have, I have the right to amend this. I want to say she's like five, 5 or 6 years old. But like for a dragon born, she's nearly an adult. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay MD (Shanna): (Shanna): I believe. Yeah. She was like six. Then she would be like a teenager, I guess in that range. Reign (Rachel): And what kind of Dragonborn is she, again? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): She might be like 7 or 8. She is a gemstone Dragonborn. Uh, amethyst. Gemstone Dragonborn and her amethysts are growing back very slowly but surely. Reign (Rachel): Well, she knocks on the door and sees if she wants to come. Like. Or like if what she's doing. Lilac (Shanna): Uh uh. Come in. Reign (Rachel): Um. Hey, Lilac. Lilac (Shanna): Hey, Reign. Reign (Rachel): How's it going? Lilac (Shanna): Going okay. Sounds like a lot of fun down there. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. You know, we're celebrating, and, um, a lot of change is going to happen soon. And, uh. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah, I heard the speech. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. Okay. Good. I'm glad. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah, I sent my familiar. Reign (Rachel): Oh, that's really smart. Yeah. When did you learn that? Lilac (Shanna): Well, I've been reading some of Tase’s books. Reign (Rachel): That's. Yes. I'm so proud of you. That's so great. Lilac (Shanna): Oh, yeah. So, yeah, I sent my familiar, uh. And I heard the speech. So you guys are winning? Reign (Rachel): For right now. But, you know, there's ups and downs and war all the time. And where we we have a big piece of the puzzle to help with this chunk of the area. Lilac (Shanna): Well, that's, uh. That's good. I, um, I don't know, I guess. How have you been? Reign (Rachel): Oh, pretty stressed and pretty tired, but that's pretty much been every day of my life for, I don't know, a long time, so. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): God, that’s true. Damn. Reign (Rachel): Yeah, for as long as I can remember. So it's just everyday life now, so I guess I'm normal? For me? Um, but I just wanted to check in on you and see if you wanted to come celebrate with us. And, um, I had something in my ADHD brain is everywhere right now. Um. Ah, yeah. What do you do? You want to come celebrate with us? Lilac (Shanna): Um, I mean, I don't know if I should, um. Reign (Rachel): Oh, you know that. That's what that reminds me. That's what I was going to say. It reminds me, you know, King Dart was named ruler of Castle Rend. And if he's ruler here, we can make it that both of us can never be illegal. Lilac (Shanna): Are you sure about that? I thought, I don't know that it was a really big deal. At least I remember my dad always said I keep myself a secret… Reign (Rachel): It's a pretty big deal for some people. Lilac (Shanna): …Otherwise bad things would happen to him. Reign (Rachel): My dad told me the same. Lilac (Shanna): Really bad things. Did bad things happen to your dad? Reign (Rachel): Not that I know of, but he he he warned me of people that thought differently. So. But at the same time, when you align yourself with people who want to align themselves with you, you can make your own safe place. And I think that this is a safe place for both of us. I know King Dart isn't going to run off to go talk to the Empire of the Pages anytime soon, so I know I am perfectly safe, and I was named a knight if you didn't hear, which is really weird for me to say. Um, so yes. Lilac (Shanna): Uh, sorry. Uh, Dame Reign. Reign (Rachel): Oh, please do not tell me that. No no no no no no no no no. Um. Lilac (Shanna): Or is it Lady Reign? Reign (Rachel): Oh no no no no no no no no. Because I think of Lady Chaewynn. Um, like. Yeah, right. Reign things of Lady Chaewynn. And I was like, she is. I am not, I'm I'm not a lady. I'm not. I'm not that level. Lilac (Shanna): Dame Reign, then. Right? Reign (Rachel): Dame Reign. I guess I have to get used to it, right? If I'm going to be a knight. But, you know, I just. I just want you to be you and be comfortable with the beautiful skin that you were given. Lilac (Shanna): Well… Reign (Rachel): I'm so glad to see that your gems are growing back. Does everything feel okay too? Do you need anything to help it? Lilac (Shanna): Uh, maybe some, like, coconut oil? Reign (Rachel): Oh, we can. We can get some of that, for sure. Lilac (Shanna): Itchy. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. That's what new growing things always is. Itchy or painful? Or both. Lilac (Shanna): Have you grown crystals before? Reign (Rachel): Um, not crystals, but, um. Muscle? And it always ends up being, like, painful and itchy and just uncomfortable. And you sweat a lot, your skin gets whatever. It's just it's unpleasant. It's not the same. But, yes, we can get you something. Lilac (Shanna): Do you want to meet my familiar? Reign (Rachel): Of course. Do you have a name? Lilac (Shanna): Um, yeah, I probably do, don't I? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She's testing out new names every day. See what sticks. Lilac (Shanna): Today, I'm calling him Itachi. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, no. Reign (Rachel): Oh, is he, um, a crow? Lilac (Shanna): No. Um. So she will cast and find familiar, and she will summon a small blue shocker lizard. And he's got, like, a big head, you know? Um, and, uh, and this is, uh, what are we going to call him here? Um. Surge. Reign (Rachel): Surge, that’s good. Lilac (Shanna): Yes. Uh, this is Surge. Reign (Rachel): Hi, Surge. This is…this is great! Surge (Shanna): Oh, he opens his mouth and there's like, like a crackle of electricity in his mouth. Reign (Rachel): Uh, all they talk Flux is around, like, I don't know if she knows Flux. I don't think she knows. Lilac (Shanna): No, I don't think so. Reign (Rachel): Flux is like it's shaped into a, like a bandage around my arm, and I can just feel him constricting, like. “Whoa.” Like, it's okay. This is really cool. What other things have you learned? And if this is it. This is amazing. This is so cool. I can't do this. Lilac (Shanna): I, um, so I also learned, uh, mage hand. Reign (Rachel): Um, I've always wanted to learn Mage Hand. That's so cool. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah. Uh, check it out. Um, and she sort of waves her hand and as she, like, waves it, she kind of, like, shakes off like a phantom version of her hand. You know? She's like uggeeck eek *Shakes Hand* She's like, peel it a little bit. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Like shedding. Lilac (Shanna): Exactly like she's shedding it and um, you know it's, it's an exact replica of her hand and she'll use it to reach across the room and pick up like a candlestick and uh, bring it over to you and hand it to you. Here you go. Reign (Rachel): And Reign like, pops it up in the air and doesn't spinny stuff behind her back and ends, like, in a cool pose, like, huh, nifty. It just throws it back up in the air. Lilac (Shanna): Light it. Reign (Rachel): Oh, dang. No, but I just, like, throw it back up in the air for her to catch it. Lilac (Shanna): Oh, and she misses. She like, tries to catch it, but it falls between the like between the fingers of her mage hands. Still working on the reaction time. Reign (Rachel): That's okay. You. I feel like you and Waltor need to team up for some training. He's pretty good at catching stuff, and he needs to learn how to be as, uh, as the best Waltor he can be. Lilac (Shanna): Are you….sure nothing will happen? Reign (Rachel): Would you like to try it out on smaller circumstances next time? Lilac (Shanna): Um, well, I've been out a few times, and, uh, I don't know… Reign (Rachel): Okay, come. Come with me. Reign goes straight to the… if you want to come with me, cool. Not if that's okay. Great. Reign goes straight to the stage. And she is just like… Lilac (Shanna): She's coming with you, but as you like, go up to the stage. You like stops at the edge is like, oh… Reign (Rachel): That is fine. You stay there. She goes as I stage and she just like, booms as loud as she can, like like big whistle like like, “LISTEN UP!”. Castle Rend: There is like, uh oh Dame Reign?! Reign (Rachel): Damn right, Dame Reign. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We need to put that on a tshirt. Castle Rend: Everyone gathers around to hear the word of their newest knight. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): First knight, even. Reign (Rachel): Where I come from, I would have been thrown away. I would have been killed just because of who I am. And that is not what Castle Rend is going to be. So, Lilac is home. She is here. She's going to stay. Don't be a dipshit to her. You got it. Are you going to have to listen..or handle me? Castle Rend: No. Reign (Rachel): And then you're going to have to handle Dart. Castle Rend: There's like a whisper. Like a. Reign (Rachel): Like she has taught herself more than I've ever taught myself already just being here. So we will… No one should be legal in Castle Rend. Rolland: Somebody from the crowd yells out, “She's a liability!” Reign (Rachel): You're a liability. Rolland: Do you really want the inquisitors to come? Reign (Rachel): Do you want the Empire of the Pages to come up in here? You don't even know who they are. And they're bigger than any empire on this side of the mountain. Rolland: All I know is that bad things happen when you house people like them. And he points over at Lilac, and a couple of people are kind of like whispering and nodding in agreement. Reign (Rachel): Bad stuff has already happened here. I forgot what his name. What was the guy's name? Does that die him? People have died here. It is not Tim. Oh, like bad stuff is happening every day before we even had her. And one person doesn't control that entire atmosphere, the entire fate. But if we create a safe space where we are able to strengthen each other and raise each other up and not look at them like they shouldn't be here, then we are all stronger. It's like fireworks go off from celebrations. And if you're not ready to work together and work with people who are not like you, then do you really want to be here at Castle Rend? We're a frog, a tiefling and a dwarf. Like, why are you here? Why are you following us in the first place? Rolland: You pay really well. Reign (Rachel): Then I'll pay you an extra gold to shut the fuck up. Castle Rend & Lilac (Shanna): They cheer and lilac is, like, really fucking embarrassed. Reign (Rachel): Oh, no! And like, I was like, we can go. I'm sorry that, like, I embarrassed you. Lilac (Shanna): Well, now I'm already out, so I guess I might as well. Right? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): They didn't know she was here. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): Um, but I can. I can hang with you for a little bit. Lilac (Shanna): Are there any, like, boys to flirt with? Reign (Rachel): Edmond is over there. Lilac (Shanna): Oh, okay. Um, I'm going to go get some food. Reign (Rachel): You do it. Go get some food. Hespiros might be around here somewhere. Lilac (Shanna): Oh, God. I need to go to the city. Reign (Rachel): For what? Lilac (Shanna): If I want to, like, flirt with boys. I'm just kidding. I'm not. I'm not going to go to the city. Reign (Rachel): Well, we'll start. Has 19 other, uh, children. Sons? Lilac (Shanna): What are the chances? Reign (Rachel): And probably more are coming. So if you just wait, you'll find someone. Lilac (Shanna): Well, I guess that's good to know. Thanks. Reign. Yeah. Um, one more question. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. Lilac (Shanna): You said that you could, like, take me somewhere. That's not here. That's safe, too. Is that going to be a thing? Reign (Rachel): Absolutely. You are. You that scrap you have that I gave you. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): That is your invitation to come to my school. Lilac (Shanna): She has a it tied around her wrist like, it's, like, twisted and tied, you know, like those bandana bracelets. Reign (Rachel): Reign has been very like. She can't decide. She has, like, I can't really remember canonically. She was like, 45 or 46 straps herself. She doesn't have 50 scraps, but most of there's just a few of them in her hair. Um, but most of them are just in a bag, and she hasn't decided what she wants to do with them yet. So she's going to grab one of her own straps and, like, do what like lilac did. So they have matching friendship bracelets. Lilac (Shanna): Nice. Reign (Rachel): Um, so I thought she uses for one of her scraps, But, um, like that, you can come and live there with me in Coliya. Lilac (Shanna): Coliya. Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd like to. I don't know if I'll ever really be safe in Vasloria. Reign (Rachel): I understand that, and truth be told, Coliya is a hidden city because we are also illegal there. We're not wanted. Lilac (Shanna): I don't understand why people have to be like that. It's not my fault that my dad made me. Reign (Rachel): People are afraid of what they can’t explain, what they don't know. Lilac (Shanna): Just a I don't know. Am I a monster? Reign (Rachel): Not to me. Lilac (Shanna): Why am I not allowed to exist? Reign (Rachel): I ask myself the same question, and I'm sorry that I don't have an answer, but I'm fighting for one every day. Lilac (Shanna): Yeah. Okay. Thanks. And then she… Reign (Rachel): It just gives her a big nope before she leaves a huggin’. Lilac (Shanna): I tried to run off, and then you just hug. Reign (Rachel): Nope nope nope. No. Lilac (Shanna): Okay. Reign (Rachel): It was just like a big old hug. Like I believe in you with all my heart. Lilac (Shanna): Her crystals hum. Mhm. Reign (Rachel): And she like, does like the, the hand on the face but like, you know like a teacherly way. Like. Yeah. Like in a proud like maternal way I guess. Yeah. And that goes into a handshake and she's like go have fun. Lilac (Shanna): Thanks! Then she'll run off to go get stew. Reign (Rachel): Nice. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Hell, yeah. Reign (Rachel): Oh, Zevari! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Hey. Reign (Rachel): She shouldn't. She shouldn't have to hide. She should have a safe place here. If she can't go to Gravesford. Then at least you can be safe here at Castle Rend. She shouldn't have to be in her room. And I'm sick of… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay. I mean, I agree with that. That's fine. I'm just trying to catch up. Reign (Rachel): Oh, sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm heated. I'm heated. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I know. One question, though, that a guy that was throwing a fit about the about Lilac, um, mentioned inquisitors. Do you know what those are? Reign (Rachel): Absolutely not. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay. Reign (Rachel): Also, what is that guy's name? What is the one thing? MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Uh. His name was, uh, Roland. Reign (Rachel): Roland will be on my list. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Well, then, um, Reign (Rachel): I kind of feel like I need to keep an eye on Lilac a little bit, just to make sure I didn't just, like, be like… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Put her in danger. Reign (Rachel): …there’s no danger! Right into danger. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah, yeah. Reign (Rachel): We're not paying a danger tax for her. Um, so. But that's pretty much what my plans for the night. Um, and then, uh, messaging back and forth with your sibling. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, you got a letter from them, too? Okay. Reign (Rachel): Too?! When, they’ve been busy, I guess. I mean, they're your brother. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah! Reign (Rachel): I don't know why I’m being salty. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Is everything okay, Reign? Reign (Rachel): No, everything is not okay. But it's fine. It's fine. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What did I do this time? Reign (Rachel): No, you didn't do anything. You didn't do anything. You're great. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You don't need to lie. Reign (Rachel): I'm not lying. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She leaves. Reign (Rachel): No! And then Reign follows her. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah, she does a Reign. Reign (Rachel): No. She goes straight to and, like, follows her and be like. No, I'm not lying. Like, what's going on? Can you, like, talk to me? Like, I'll talk like… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She just kind of looks at you and she's like, you just said that you don't trust me like 20 minutes ago. It's fine if you don't like me. You don't have to force yourself to be my friend. Reign (Rachel): I'm sorry, I… you're right. I do have a problem with trusting people. And I'm working on it. I didn't say that. I didn't trust you. I just… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): But you didn’t say you did… Reign (Rachel): You're right. What you don't say is often worse than what you do say. So, yeah, I'll acknowledge that. You're doing really great things with the church. I wouldn't have expected, uh, a sobriety program at the church of Asmodeus. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You know, under his eye, anything is possible. Reign (Rachel): …Okay. Um… Dart (Ryan): Now, seems like a good time for another speech. Reign (Rachel): Um. Are you. Yeah? Dart (Ryan): I mean I could... Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Dart’s listening in like, “what’s your tea?” Reign (Rachel): Yeah, I know, just jumping up. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): He’s on the ceiling. Reign (Rachel): Yeah! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): “I love when they argue.” MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You guys spot him and you just go frog cloud. Um, we should talk. Reign (Rachel): Thank you for all you've done for me so far. I don't think I've ever really said that to you enough. You know, you've helped me a lot. I hope that you know that I do value our friendship. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): When you say that, you notice that Flux is not on your arm anymore, and he's snuggling with Daru in the room, and they're kind of like playing. I don't know what form Flux is in right now? Maybe just the goobie form? Reign (Rachel): Yeah, the goobie form with the hand that turns into a cat toy. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Reign (Rachel): They're playing. Flux knew you were my safe space before I knew you were. I know…it’s really gay. Are we rolling for gayness? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): *Dice Rolling Noise* Oooooo…. Reign (Rachel): *Dice Rolling Noise* Nine. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Seven. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. No. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): It’s strictly platonic. Reign (Rachel): Strictly platonic. MD (Shanna): (Shanna)The tension between you guys has changed since you started dating Zarxus. Reign (Rachel): Mhm. It's true though. And you started dating Tase. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah. MD (Shanna): (Shanna) & Zevari (Samaria): Good luck, babe! Reign (Rachel): But I really that's why I really want to just go on a spa day or like to the beach or just let's let's go get pampered like, this isn't pampered. I've never been like, I mean, I was a little bit, but, like, not like, let's let's go live it up. We have a little bit of extra spending money. Let's go treat ourselves. So you can think about it. You don't. We don't have to answer. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I have a question. Do you think if things were different if you weren't attacked on the road that day when we first got here, do you think you would even have any interest in being my friend? I mean, I am kind of everything that you hate, and you have made that very clear to me. And that's okay. I understand you have gone through things that I don't understand. I, I guess I'm just saying that you don't have to try to be my friend just because you're dating my brother. And we are called colleagues in this? Reign (Rachel): Work Proximity Associates. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah, I know, it's just like, Reign (Rachel): no, no, no, no. That’s not what I want! Um. I knew from that first battle we were going to be friends, okay? Or that I want to be your friend. And I guess I have things to learn about being a good friend, and I have been through a lot, but that doesn't mean that you should experience that out of my pain. But yeah, it's in my nature to to keep my guard up and to question everything. Because if you don't, then something is going to be in the forest just waiting for you. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Does Zevari know that Reign knows about the attack now? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I'm not sure. She does not know much. That's new information. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): I was like, I read the letter, but your Reign didn't tell you that part. Reign (Rachel): Wait the?... Zevari/Litria (Samaria): The letter from Zarxus that you just got…not the sexy one. Reign (Rachel): Oh, yeah… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): The other one. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): You feel a shift in your diplomat’s pouch. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, no. Reign (Rachel): That's closed. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Worst time… Reign (Rachel): That's closed for later. Um, no. Um, you know, one reason it's hard for me to trust you or to really, truly be open with you is for weeks, you were Litria, and you hid who you were. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Trust me, it wasn't for the fun of it. Reign (Rachel): Well, of course not. And I understand…. I don't understand, really, because even your family doesn't understand. Zarxus said that you were attacked, that you and whatever his faces. That's on this list right here. Duvern.vYou and Duvern got attacked. The head is like the head motion is required. Um, you and Duvern were attacked, and then you went missing. Do you go? Did you go missing? They don't even know if you went missing after you were attacked. If they tried to hide it. Like what even happened? Why are you at the church? You are a changed, complete person just a year later and I have all this knowledge about this, but no knowledge at all. And so it is very difficult for me to truly open up when all of this mystery is about. I mean, I tried to let my guard down with Pendleton, right? Or whatever his name is, coin dude, and that's not the same. You are not the same person. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah, I lived longer than he did. Reign (Rachel): Damn straight, you did. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): We're calling him Bimbleton. Reign (Rachel): Bimbleton? Bimbleton sucked, you know? And ever since then, I guess I've been more closed off. And it's hard for me, it's. But does it have to be hard for you? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I didn't go missing right away after the attack. There was a few months before I left, and I don't think…actually, I know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Asmodeus and I was really reluctant to see that for a while. Reign (Rachel): What happened? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Well, you know what desperate people do. They make deals. Flashback Scene | 1:36:26 Thunderstorm with sounds of a horse drawn carriage. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): It was a dark, stormy night. And you were traveling to the next city with your new husband. The horse. Um. All you hear is just, like rain hitting the top of your carriage and horse hooves. And, you know, it's hard to sleep with the sound of the storm. There's the occasional crash of thunder. Duvern (Shanna): The Duvern is sitting across from you. He's like, he's just our luck. Hopefully this roof holds up and had a leak in it last summer. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I'm sure it'll get fixed up soon. Duvern (Shanna): Right. I don't know. Uh, storms, I guess, make me nervous. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I get it. Duvern (Shanna): The the thunder, you know, crashes in the background. Um, you're traveling near, like a thick forest. The woad that is above Dalrath. And, um, “Um, are you cold?” And he reaches under the, like, seat of the carriage and opens like, there's, like a chest down there, and he pulls out like a a wolf pelt blanket. And it has, like, this distinctive, like, leather musk, you know, kind of sort of smell. That is something you just haven't gotten used to quite yet. Um, but he's like, if you’re cold. It’s getting kind of chilly. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I think I'll be okay, but I'll keep it here next to me, just in case. Duvern (Shanna): Do you, um. Do you want to hold hands? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): We probably should. Duvern (Shanna): Okay. Uh, sure. And he'll reach across the carriage and hold your hands. And after a few moments, he will, um, shift over and onto the bench under your side next to you, and he kind of awkwardly puts his arm around you. You guys have not been married for very long, and you really haven't known each other well. You are 18. Yeah. And he is like 21 or something like that, right? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Something like that. Duvern (Shanna): And, um, you met when the engagement was announced, and then you met again when you guys got married. You've only been together for a few weeks, and touch is still kind of awkward. He has been respectful to you. He hasn't. You know, been forceful. But, you know, I don't know. There are good moments, right? The chemistry is not quite developed all the way yet. Um, you can tell that part of it is still performative. He's just trying to make it work. Um, so he'll kind of put his arm around you and, uh, he’ll lean over and give you a soft kiss on the side of your head, right above your temple. “It's, uh. It's going to be great. We're going to do great. Okay?” Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Duvern (Shanna): Don't worry too much. All we have to do is have children and… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Live happily ever after. Duvern (Shanna): Exactly. Um. And, you know, I'll follow in the footsteps of my dad, and, you know, last stop wasn't too bad. People. People love us. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Duvern (Shanna): There's nothing to worry about. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What will I do? Duvern (Shanna): What do you mean? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What's my role in your court? Duvern (Shanna): Oh, you'll raise our children, of course. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That’s it? Duvern (Shanna): Oh, yeah. I mean, what would you want to do? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I'm not sure. I guess. Duvern (Shanna): Raising children is a wife's most important role. I don't want to, uh, take away from our children, you know? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Duvern (Shanna): You know, you have something else that you want to pursue. Um, as long as it doesn't interfere with, you know, taking care of our children. I don't see why not. If you want to have, like, a hobby. Is that what you mean? Like a cute little hobby? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Maybe I can take up knitting or something. Duvern (Shanna): Oh, that would be nice. Then you could make the children hats and clothes. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah Duvern (Shanna): But not that you have to. I mean, obviously, you know, you're probably not used to that sort of thing. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Can we get a shooting range? Duvern (Shanna): Oh, yeah. Of course. We're really hoping to, uh, um, you know, uh, to get one. It'd be really cool if, uh, you know, your family was willing to bring bring guns here, but it's probably going to be… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): The storm’s really ramping down… Duvern (Shanna): Right? Yeah. The Thunder's going crazy. I forgot that there is a there's actually an agreement. So he's like, yeah, um, we'll get a gun range, but, um, we have to be married for, uh, I think it was seven years before we're allowed to start getting guns from, um, or more. So, um, it'll be a while, but then when you get a shooting range. And until then, you can always, like, visit home once or twice a year. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay. Yeah. Perfect. Duvern (Shanna): Yeah, I thought so, too. And he will lean into you and give you a kiss. Um, sort of a, you know, stiff, like when you're kissing, like your first, like, partner as a kid, you know, just a little like… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Rigid and forced. Duvern (Shanna): Yeah. And then he'll put his hand on your leg and he'll say. You were so beautiful in your wedding dress. It's like you're an angel looking over me. Um, and when he says that, you hear the driver. Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. And the horses *horse neighs*. And you hear, um, like, uh, a crashing sound of, you know, uh, something hitting the side of the carriage and you hear, um, you hear like, a whistle of something shooting through the air, and then a thud, and the driver goes silent. Duvern’s like, what was that? What was that? Be quiet. Be quiet. You should try to cover your mouth. Um. He's like, just stay still. Maybe they won't look in here. And the you you hear, just as the front door, like, of the carriage just gets, like, bashed in and a hand reaches and throws it open and you see six figures in the darkness wearing all black with, you know, black face coverings. Um, one of which you can see just the hint of a feather tattoo, um, on his skull. Somebody that you've now come to recognize as the Master of Ravens, who was no longer with us. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): When he was punching me, he said that he remembered breaking my bones before… MD (Shanna):: And that’s when the figure with the feather tattoos… Reign (Rachel): And I killed him? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That’s what she was going for. MD (Shanna):: He he reaches in to the carriage and grabs the Duvern by the collar and yanks him out onto the ground, into the mud. And he and he hits hard like a splat, and you see him start kicking him in the stomach, and he's just relentlessly over and over and over again and Duvern is screaming in pain. And another person reaches in this person's much stronger, much larger than the monk, um, reaches in and just kind of he just kind of grabs you by the waist with one hand. How do you react? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Um, by trying to, like, kick him. But she's wearing, like, this big, huge dress. MD (Shanna):: Yeah, you try to kick him. Um, and he just sort of, like, knocks your buck and foot your foot away and breaks your heel like, of your shoe. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay? I was like. Like my foot. MD (Shanna):: No Reign (Rachel): Damn. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Like. Holy shit. MD (Shanna):: And then he grabs your leg, and then by your leg, yanks you out of the carriage and throws you onto the ground. The monk who is kicking Duvern walks over to you, looks over you, and stares you in the eyes and you're kind of on the floor. And he says, uh, “death to the royals,” and his fist comes crashing down into your face. It's the most shocking, most intense pain you've ever felt in your life. And again and again and again. And then a kick to the ribs. You feel your vision going. Your vision just goes black or red with blood. Somebody grabs you and flips you over and then stomps on your back. You hear Duvern shouting, leave her alone! And you hear the sound of a sword being drawn in, a knife being sunken into the back of your husband. And as fast as it happens, um. It's over. You're lying in the. In the road, in the mud, in the rain. Everything ruined. Everything destroyed. You can barely breathe. Every breath hurts so fucking bad. What do you do? You can't hear Duvern anymore. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She tries to look over to where he was. Or where she remembers seeing him. MD (Shanna):: You have to wipe blood out of your eyes. You're barely able to move. You shift and you see him on the ground next to you. You could maybe crawl over to him. Maybe if you had enough strength. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She's just tired. MD (Shanna):: You can see that he is breathing ever so slightly, and he turns head and looks at you and his eyes are almost lifeless. If he's reaching for you but he can't speak, his throat is crushed. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She will reach out toward him. At least try to make her way over, even though she's very tired. MD (Shanna):: Um. Roll. Constitution. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Like save. MD (Shanna):: Yeah. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Like with my current stats. MD (Shanna):: Sure. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Okay. *Dice Roll* Doesn't matter anyway. I rolled a five. MD (Shanna):: Um, so you're able to, like, pull yourself close enough to, like, hold his hand, right? But you can't get any closer. You just don't have the strength left in you to move your body. Um, and it feels like everything is broken and you're quickly losing consciousness. Um. You're. He he's. You're holding hands with him and his grip. He is already losing his already weakening. And his eyes start to, like, roll in the back of his head. And you feel the life leave him completely. And he just. You just know that he's gone. He goes cold almost instantly from the rain. And then that's when you completely lose consciousness and you find yourself drifting in the darkness. You don't feel any more pain. You don't hear the rain anymore. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I imagine even though she didn't grow up religious by any means of the imagination, she still is like trying to pray for anything to help her help them. You know, her dad always said praying is a waste of time, but at least right now it makes her feel a little better. MD (Shanna):: So you call out to the the cosmos, to the ether, to the ether. Praying for what? Mercy. Salvation. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Salvation. Definitely. This isn't how she should die. In the gutter. This isn't how this should happen. These random people shouldn't get to end her story. MD (Shanna):: And through your sheer force of will, you're able to make a connection across the plains, across the galaxies, and you feel what has now become a very familiar warmth wash over you. Suddenly, you have a body again and you can feel gravity on you. There's a red light coming towards you and a voice calling out to you… Asmodeus: Zevari, you don't want to die yet? No, I can tell. Very impressive. You know, most vermin like you would just give up. But not you. You have something special in you, don't you, Zevari? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She's like nods her head like silently. She’s like… Asmodeus: Yeah, that's what I thought. Well, you're in luck. I feel generous today. What do you want? Tell me what you want. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I don't want to die. I don't want Duvern to die. Asmodeus: Is that all? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I don't ever want to feel like this again. Broken down in the mud. Beaten. I want to be able to. To help myself. I want to help the people around me. Can you make that happen? Asmodeus: Easily… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Then I need you to make it happen. Asmodeus: The disembodied voice sort of cackles at your request. Very well. Are you willing to pay the price? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Anything? Asmodeus: Then, so be it. MD (Shanna):: And just like that, your lungs fill with air and you start to cough up rainwater because your fucking mouth, which is hanging open. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, yuck. MD (Shanna):: You're alive. You're fucking. Your body hurts so fucking bad. Your face is swollen. You could barely see. But you're alive. And you look over and you see that Duvern’s alive too. He's unconscious, but he's breathing steady and slow. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): She doesn't even think about what just transpired. She just crawls to her husband and clinging to him, trying to get in his diplomatic pouch to ring for help and hopefully go home and never have to think about this horrible day ever again. MD (Shanna):: It takes the rescue party eight hours to find you, but they find you when they take you home. Back at the Church of Asmodeus | 1: 53:01 Reign (Rachel): So, when you pop back into it and notice Reign’s face, it is just filled with sorrow and empathy, and she is looking at like, um, a patch like that. Like a spot that normally your bangs would have covered. Um, but because you got your bangs cut so short… Zevari/Litria (Samaria): There’s a scar. Reign (Rachel): …there's a scar. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. Reign (Rachel): And so she, like, reaches up and, like, touches your scar. And, uh, and just like, I feel like. Then grabs just like the forehead to forehead, like like I am. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah, that was right. Reign (Rachel): Oh, I got an Eleven! Zevari/Litria (Samaria): like, you're so distraught you can’t be gay. Reign (Rachel): It is just, like, pure of love and just like, like, uh, like pride and love and just like she, I don't know, it's almost feels like she. You're. She's still strong, but it feels like she collapses a little bit at the same time. And it's just like Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Zevari is definitely collapsing onto Reign. Reign (Rachel): Yeah. And I think they're collapsing into each other. But Reign knows she needs to stay strong, so she's, like, holding you up still. Um, but, uh, in in the party, in, like, on the dance floor. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, man. With all the hoes?! Reign (Rachel): Oh, um. And she just is like, you're doing great. And just like, just as many, like, positive words of affirmations that she could possibly like more than just, I believe in you. It's like you have done it. You are doing it. Now, let's get you home. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I'm really scared to go home, I’m won’t lie. Reign (Rachel): I'm really scared to go to you're home too. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I'm different and I don't know if different is good. If I wasn't an Umbermoor everything would probably be fine. Nobody would really care. But, um, coming home different can have a lot of different implications. I'm not really sure what they are. Do I think my parents would do anything less than still love me? No. I think they will still love me. I guess it's everything else. Reign (Rachel): I mean, I understand the hesitation. I mean, I'm hesitant myself knowing that it's the church of Asmodeus, but I also trust you enough to know that you make your own decisions and that you know what you want. And… Zevari/Litria (Samaria)… Reign (Rachel): Or do you know what you want? Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I don't think I do. I enjoy my place in the church. The church has been so much to me for a while lately. It's kind of the only thing I have going for me. Reign (Rachel): Well, that's something you can explore and think about. What do you want? I went off to be different because I am different and I'm proud of that. And that's something that I know that when I come back, I'm going to be different even than who I am right now. There's months until I go back and I guess that's the fun of life, but I don't know. That's just my experience. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): I haven't been different up until recently, but I'm still learning how to deal with that. Reign (Rachel): It takes a lifetime. I'm still learning it too. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You do really well, at least. Reign (Rachel): Thanks. I'm glad to be learning it together, though. Dart (Ryan): I feel like me and Hespiros came back right around the time Lilac was being sassed, and I eavesdropped on this conversation. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): What's your tea? Dart (Ryan): And I got something I want to say. Reign (Rachel): oh, god… Dart (Ryan): …to the whole crowd. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Another speech! Dart (Ryan): Another speech. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Speech: Part Two - Electric Boogaloo. We're all drunk at this time. Rachel’s terrible air horn impression: Me me me me, it still fits. MD (Shanna):: Edmond's, like, passed out in the corner. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Edmond…Edmond… Edmond: Uhg…Sorry. I had one beer and a ginger ale, you know. Reign (Rachel): That's a rap song. Dart (Ryan): Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed guests of Castle Rend. Today, marks a significant milestone in our cause. We have defeated the evil Lord Saxton and created a great opportunity for ourselves. Now, as some of you may know and some of you may not. Lord Saxton with human supremacist. As I'm sure you've also noticed, I am not human. Some of my sons are and some are not. I bring this to your attention because I want to shed some light on my vision for our future. As we gather here, we prepare to embark on a journey towards building a kingdom that is not only strong and prosperous, but also a beacon of diversity and acceptance in this new era. Every voice will matter. Everyone, regardless of background, identity or belief, will contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our society. We will celebrate our differences as a source of strength. Let us pledge here and now to create a kingdom where opportunity knows no bounds, where fairness and justice guide our every decision. Let us build bridges and understanding and empathy. Reaching out to embrace those who may feel marginalized or unheard. Let us honor the inherent dignity of every individual. Fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their unique talents. Let us forge ahead with courage and determination to write a new chapter in our history, one of compassion, equality and shared prosperity. Thank you. Reign (Rachel): Do you have a salute? Is it three finger like… that's a Vulcan. Dart (Ryan): It is just the hand on my chest looking stoic. Reign (Rachel): So I feel like it's like the… yeah. MD (Shanna):: Everybody has their hands on their chest. And when you finish your speech, everyone who's wearing a hat throws it off into the air and everyone's like, “YAY!!!” Dart (Ryan): I'll throw my… MD (Shanna):: Somebody spraying champagne in the background and Pinna’s kissing her boyfriend. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Damn! Yeah, I mean, they went through the horrors together. They're allowed a little smoochy kiss. Reign (Rachel): This is true…that trauma bond kiss hits different. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): That’s real as fuck. MD (Shanna):: It’s not inappropriate kissing. It's just kissing, if that makes sense. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Yeah. MD (Shanna):: like no tongue. Just. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): They're not necking. MD (Shanna):: Yeah, they're not necking. They're not snogging. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Oh, my gosh, that one movie. Dart (Ryan): My big DEI speech. MD (Shanna):: Yes. Reign (Rachel): That's a great platform. I'd knight that. Because I am. MD (Shanna):: Would swear an oath. Reign (Rachel): I’d swear an oath with that. MD (Shanna):: Are you a paladin now? Reign (Rachel): God, no. That's three. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): Just switched the bard levels for paladin. MD (Shanna):: Pali-Reign is really hot though, I'm not going to lie. Like… Reign (Rachel): I mean, I can learn from Leslie. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Yeah. God, that would be, like, messy. Reign (Rachel): Uhhuh. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Messy. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): You know, I co-sign on that. I live for mess, I love mess! Rachel: Thank you for listening to Roll Fourth. This has been The Empire Initiative featuring Samaria Hawkins as Lady Zevari/Lady Litria, Ryan Musgrove as King Dart of the Hopkins, Rachel Voss as Reign Vosgrove, and our wonderful and brilliant MD (Shanna):, Shanna Cantu. Like we said in the prologue, we are four friends wanting to share the fun story we have been playing the past couple years. If we’re not your flavor, there’s another cup of D&Tea out there for ya. Good luck, Babe. And for everyone else, there’s so much more mess to be had in Vasloria. We can’t wait to share it all with you. May all your hits be crits and stay safe, friends! MD (Shanna): (Shanna): It's funny because now Reign knows what happened, but she still doesn't know why she went missing. Zevari/Litria (Samaria): *Chuckles* I love Zevari. Fucking trickster. MD (Shanna): (Shanna): Zevari’s ass.