WARTIME BULLETIN SEASON 01 EPISODE 09 OF HELLDIVERS GNR-1O7 WRITTEN BY: GRANT PEEVYHOUSE EDITED, VOICED BY GRANT PEEVYHOUSE SPECIAL CONSIDERATION, MUSIC DEVELOPED BY AI [SUNO] LYRICS WRITTEN BY GRANT PEEVYHOUSE [Intro Music: A Helldivers-themed song plays for 10 seconds then gets statically interrupted.] Joe Turner: 'Welcome back to GNR-107's evening broadcast. I'm Joe Turner, and it's 1800 hours on Friday, May 21th, 2224. We've got a brief update on the latest developments in our ongoing fight for liberty. Here's what we've got; The current status of Heeth, Aesir Pass, and Erata Prime. Updates on the Galactic War on Tyranny.' [Morning announcement theme music fades] Joe Turner: 'Let's start with the latest status reports.' [Update Segment] Joe Turner: 'At 1100 hours today, Heeth's liberation is in full swing with 51k Helldivers holding strong. Victory is predicted in just over three hours. Aesir Pass being secured, with success expected in nine hours’ time. Unfortunately, Erata Prime is losing ground at this time.' Joe Turner: 'Now, let's move on to a brief recap of recent events.' [Galactic War Segment] Joe Turner: 'On May 19th, Super Earth officially declared full scale deployment on Tyranny. This marks a shift from special military operations to a full-scale War on Tyranny. Mobilization across all sectors has begun, with billions of citizens conscripted and new training facilities under construction.' Joe Turner: 'Despite our best efforts, we failed to secure enough scrap materials, delaying the construction of MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines. However, our top scientists are researching effective countermeasures against the Terminid threat.' Joe Turner: 'Today, we covered the status of three main positions, as well as updates on the full scale War on Tyranny. Stay sharp, stay informed. This was GNR-107, I'm Joe Turner.' [Outro song starts, then quickly fades down to the background] Joe Turner: 'This was your Evening Wartime Bulletin. Stay safe out there, Helldivers. Remember, liberty never dies. We hope this song keeps you going!' [Outro music rises and finishes out the episode] [songe] From Super Earth, our courage grows, In battles fierce where heroes rose. With steel and spirit, high we fly, Defending peace beneath the sky. We are legends, We are Hell-divers, brave and bold, In darkest night, our hearts are gold. Through fire and fury, we aspire, With iron hearts, we climb higher. Against the bots, Terminid threat, For liberty, our course is set. With honor guiding each advance, In Super Earth's name, we lead the dance. The final defense. [uplifting beat starts] Hell-divers strong, unwavering, true, In face of danger, we push through. For every fallen, we light the pyre, With steadfast resolve, we rise higher. So, raise your voices, let it soar, For peace and managed-democracy, evermore. We are legends, the final defense, Hell-divers; we are immense. [End of show]